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LibNbiot - A non-blocking MQTT-SN Library for NB-IoT

The repository contains the source code for the LibNbiot, which allows to access the Telekom Cloud of Things with NB-IoT radio modules and MQTT-SN.

Building from command line

The library relieas on GNU Make as build system. After downloading it can be build on any Unix by navigating into the toplevel directory and executing


This will envoke make in all subdirectories. Furthermore, the directories lib and include are created and the build results are copied into them. As the the build system supports multiple cross platform builds with a single invocation (see below), the lib directory contains subdirectories which indicate the target platform.

To cleanup up all build results perform:

make clean

The subdirectories contain dedicated makefiles which can be invoked individually. However, there are some cross dependencies which have to be met: libNbiotCore depends on external while libNbiot depends on both.

Building on Windows

The makefiles supplied within the directory structure should work on Linux and MacOS. Additional versions for building on Windows can be found in the utils directory. To switch to Windows-makefiles, navigate to the utils folder and execute the setup-win.bat script. The script will exchange all makefiles in the directory tree by windows compatible versions. To switch back to the Unix-compliant versions, the bash script can be used (also in the utils directory).

Note: A toolchain like MinGW or Cygwin needs to be installed to build on Windows. All the required programs (compiler, linker) need to be accessable by the system path.

Cross platform builds

The build system has been setup to support cross compilation for multiple platforms. In general the build can be executed for several platforms at once, given that the given platform dependencies are already installed on the build system.

Currently the following platforms are supported:

  • default (build setting are mostly taken from the build system, static library, debug settings enabled)
  • x86 (32-bit, static library, optimized for size)
  • x86-debug (32-bit, static library, debug settings enabled)
  • x86-shared (32-bit, shared library, optimized for size)
  • x86-debug-shared (32-bit, shared library, debug settings enabled)
  • x86_64 (64-bit, static library, optimized for size)
  • x86_64-debug (64-bit, static library, debug settings enabled)
  • x86_64-shared (64-bit, shared library, optimized for size)
  • x86_64-shared-debug (64-bit, shared library, debug settings enabled)
  • arm-cortex-m3 (ARM Cortex M3 bare metal, static library, optimized for size)
  • arm-cortex-m3-debug (ARM Cortex M3 bare metal, static library, debug settings enabled)

By default the only target platform enabled is default. To enable another/additional one, just open the makefile and add it to the PLATFORMS variable. For example the variable should look like this

export PLATFORMS := arm-cortex-m3 arm-cortex-m3-debug

if debug and release version are to be build for the ARM Cortx M3 architecture.

Note: The platform settings are propagated from the toplevel makefile to the makefiles in the subdirectories, overruling any platforms configured there. While calling make in the subdirectories will build the sources there with the platform settings in this subdirectorie's makefile, calling the the toplevel makefile configures platforms for all subdirectories.

Adding further architectures

Obviously, each cross platform build requires certain compiler/linker settings unique to the target platform. These need to be configured in all makefiles which actually compile the source code. For this reason, the makefiles contain sections where these platform specific settings are configured. For example, the section for building the debug version of the library for the ARM Cortex M3 architecture looks like this:

ifeq ($(ARCH),arm-cortex-m3-debug)
CXX       := arm-none-eabi-gcc
CXXFLAGS  := -mcpu=cortex-m3 -mthumb -Wa,-alh=nbiot_time.lst \
  -g -Wall -ffunction-sections -D DEBUG -g -O0 -ffat-lto-objects -std=c++0x -ggdb

It sets the compiler (CXX) and compiler flags (CXXFLAGS) to use for the build. These variables have to be set to values which suit the target enviroment. An important detail is the initial if-statement, where make checks the architecture. In this statement, arm-cortex-m3-debug defines the name of the target environment. If the very same name is added to the PLATFORMS entry at the beginning of the makefile, the target is activated and the sources are build for this platform as well.

The same statemant has to be added to all makefiles which actually compile and link code. This is necessary to ensure that the compiled code of the subdirectories is compatible with each other. This means the makefiles found in

  • libNbiot
  • libNbiotCore
  • external

have to include the same if-statement.


x86 build fails on x86_64 platform

When compiling for 32-bit platforms on 64-bit platform you may encounter this error (or a similar one):

/usr/include/c++/6/cstdlib:41:28: fatal error: bits/c++config.h: No such file or directory`

The reason for this is usually, that the GCC multilib feature is enabled, which indicates that the 32-bit version of the libc is not installed. To fix this error install:

  • CentOS/RHEL 5.x:
    yum -y install glibc-devel.i386 libstdc++-devel.i386
  • CentOS/RHEL 6.x:
    yum -y install glibc-devel.i686 glibc-devel ibstdc++-devel.i686
  • Debian/Ubuntu:
    sudo apt-get install g++-multilib libc6-dev-i386
  • SLES/OpenSUSE:
    zypper in glibc-devel-32bit

Example usage

The library comes with two examples for Unix-systems. More examples for different platforms will be added in the future. They have been tested on Ubuntu 16.04+ and MacOS 10.13.1.

The examples are located at examples\c-example and examples\cpp-example. The c-example illustrates the usage in a plain 'C' environment, while the cpp-example makes use of features unique to 'C++'.

Both examples illustrate basic use cases for communication with the Telekom Cloud of Things by sending generated temperature values in an infinite loop.

Note: The above examples can be run on desktop systems hosting any Unix environments (cpp-example) or Linux environment (c-example), respectively. Meanwhile examples for

  • Cypress PSoC5
  • Arduino Mega

were added. These examples can be found in the respective subfolders in the examples directory as well. However, as they require environment specific setups, they come with dedicated READMEs, which explain their setup and usage.


To build the PC examples, the library has to be compiled with PLATFORM containing the default architecture (see: Cross platfrom builds, above). After this navigate to the examples directory and execute:


This creates the c-example\bin and cpp-example\bin directories which contain the example executables.

Running the example

The example requires three parameters to run:

  • -i IMSI, a 15-digit IMSI which is registered for the Telekom Cloud of Things
  • -p password, the 8-characters password distributed with IMSI for Telekom Cloud Things access
  • -s serial node, path to the serial device node (e.g. /dev/ttyACM0).

The example can then be started from the examples folder by executing:

./c-example/bin/c-example -i "imsi" -p "pw" -s "path to serial node"

similarly the cpp-example can be executed:

./cpp-example/bin/cpp-example -i "imsi" -p "pw" -s "path to serial node"

Note: Access to serial device nodes may require special privileges, especially on Linux. You can either run the program as root, by using the above program with sudo, add your user to the group dialout or configure a udev/hotplug rule to add the serial device node to your users group. The best solution depends on the exact environment you are using.

Sending downlink operations

The example is prepared to receive downlink operations from your Telekom Cloud of Things account. For this, find your device in the Telekom Cloud of Things and send a shell-command. The command must have the structure:


the topic MyCmd is configured in the example and should not be changed. The data 1234 can be changed to any string, however it should be short enough to fit into a MQTT-SN message.

The example program should be already running and the module should be in an attached state. So best wait, until some temperature measurements have arrived in the Cloud. The state of the operation should change from Pending to Executing to Successful. Before it changes from Executing to Successful a notification (new message) should be presented by the running example program, similar to this:

[ MSG      ] ----- New message 001 -----
[----------] QoS:          1
[----------] Id:           1
[----------] Payload:      1234
[----------] Topic:        NBIoT/111111111112345/CMD/MyCmd

Supported hardware

In the current state the library offers support for

  • u-Blox SARA-N2XX series (B656 and B657SP3 firmwares)
  • Quectel BG96
  • Quectel BC68

The code for the SARA-N2xx should be applicable to the Quectel BC-95 series as well, however, this is mainly untested. Support for further modules and firmware versions will be added in future releases.

Building custom applications

As explained in the sections above, the makefiles distributed with the library allow compilation for several target platforms. The result is usually a set of for libraries:

  • libnbiot
  • libnbiotcore
  • libnbiotstm
  • libmqttsnpaho

which provide the functions from the different packages. There are some dependencies which have to be taken into account during compilation: libnbiot depends on the three libraries. This means, hat libnbiot is usually required to be the first listed library for most compilers/linkers.

For compilation/linkage with the gcc toolchain, a linker call would look similiar to this:

gcc main.o libnbiot.a libnbiotcore.a libstm.a libmqttsnpaho.a

If you don't want to care about providing the proper ordering of the libraries, you can add -Wl,--no-as-needed to the linker options (see gcc and ld manuals for further information).


Copyright (C) 2018, Edgar Hindemith, Yassine Amraue, Thorsten Krautscheid, Kolja Vornholt, T-Systems International GmbH

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.