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Specifying Additional SSH Keys

vzakaznikov edited this page Jan 24, 2024 · 2 revisions

In addition to the main SSH key specified by the --ssh-key option, which is used to connect to the servers, you can specify additional SSH keys using the additional_ssh_keys property in the configuration file. This is needed in cases where there is more than one user that should have access to the servers used for the runners.

✋ Note: Additional SSH keys can only be defined using a configuration file. See Using a Configuration File for more details.

Note that the additional SSH keys are defined using only the public key. This enables additional users to hold the matching private key to connect to the servers.

For example,

      - ssh-rsa AAAAB3Nza3... user@user-node
      - ssh-rsa AADDDFFFC1... another_user@another-node
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