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Program Options

vzakaznikov edited this page Oct 3, 2024 · 8 revisions

The following options are supported:

  • -h, --help show this help message and exit
  • -v, --version show the program's version number and exit
  • --license show the program's license and exit
  • -r {on,off}, --recycle {on,off} turn on or off recycling of powered-off servers, either 'on' or 'off', default: on
  • --end-of-life minutes number of minutes in an hour (60 minutes) period after which a recyclable server is considered to have reached its end of life and thus is deleted; default: 50
  • -c path, --config path program configuration file
  • --github-token GITHUB_TOKEN GitHub token, default: $GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable
  • --github-repository GITHUB_REPOSITORY GitHub repository, default: $GITHUB_REPOSITORY environment variable
  • --hetzner-token HETZNER_TOKEN Hetzner Cloud token, default: $HETZNER_TOKEN environment variable
  • --ssh-key path public SSH key file, default: ~/.ssh/
  • --default-type name default runner server type name, default: cx11
  • --default-location name default runner server location name, default: not specified
  • --default-image architecture:type:name_or_description default runner server image type and name or description, where the architecture is either: 'x86' or 'arm', and type is either: 'system','snapshot','backup','app', default: x86:system:ubuntu-22.04
  • -m count, --max-runners count maximum number of active runners, default: 10
  • --delete-random delete random recyclable server when the maximum number of servers is reached, by default, server prices are used
  • --max-runners-in-workflow-run count maximum number of runners allowed to be created for a single workflow run, default: not set
  • --with-label label --with-label ... only create runners for jobs that have the specified label, default: self-hosted
  • --label-prefix prefix support type, image, and location job labels with the specified prefix
  • --meta-label name label,... --max-label name label,... (✅ New in >= 1.6) runner meta label that will be expanded to a list of given labels
  • -w count, --workers count number of concurrent workers, default: 10
  • --scripts path (✅ New in >= 1.6) path to the folder that contains custom server scripts
  • ❌ Deprecated in >= 1.6, use --scripts instead
    • --setup-script path path to the custom server setup script
  • ❌ Deprecated in >= 1.6, use --scripts instead
    • --startup-x64-script path path to the custom server startup script
  • ❌ Deprecated in >= 1.6, use --scripts instead
    • --startup-arm64-script path path to the custom ARM64 server startup script
  • --max-powered-off-time sec maximum time after which a powered-off server is deleted, default: 60 sec
  • --max-unused-runner-time sec maximum time after which an unused runner is removed and its server deleted, default: 180 sec
  • --max-runner-registration-time maximum time after which the server will be deleted if its runner is not registered with GitHub, default: 180 sec
  • --max-server-ready-time sec maximum time to wait for the server to be in the running state, default: 180 sec
  • --scale-up-interval sec scale-up service interval, default: 15 sec
  • --scale-down-interval sec scale-down service interval, default: 15 sec
  • --debug enable debugging mode, default: False
  • commands:
    • command
      • delete delete all servers
      • list list all servers
      • ssh ssh to a server
      • estimate (✅ New in >= 1.7) cost estimator commands
        • -o path, --output path save estimate into the given file using the YAML format
        • --ipv4 price IPv4 price per hour, default: 0.0008
        • --ipv6 price IPv6 price per hour, default: 0.0000
        • run run cost estimator
          • id run id
          • --attempt number attempt number
        • job job cost estimator
          • id job id
        • runs runs cost estimator
          • --actor name actor name
          • --branch name branch name
          • --event name event name
          • --status {queued,in_progress,completed,success,failure,neutral,cancelled,skipped,timed_out,action_required} status value
          • --exclude-pull-requests exclude pull requests
          • --head-sha value head SHA value
      • cloud cloud service commands
        • -n server, --name server deployment server name, default: github-hetzner-runners
        • deploy deploy cloud service
          • -f, --force force deployment if it already exists
          • --version number|latest service package version to deploy, either a version number or 'latest', default: current package version
          • -l name, --location name deployment server location, default: ash
          • -t name, --type name deployment server type, default: cpx11
          • -i architecture:type:name_or_description, --image architecture:type:name_or_description deployment server image type and name or description, where the architecture is either: 'x86' or 'arm', and the type is either: 'system','snapshot','backup','app', default: x86:system:ubuntu-22.04
          • --setup-script path path to custom deployment server setup script
        • redeploy redeploy on the same cloud service server
          • --version number|latest service package version to deploy, either a version number or 'latest', default: current package version
        • log get cloud service log
          • -c name[:width][,...], --columns name[:width][,...] comma separated list of columns to include and their optional width
          • --raw output raw log
          • -f, --follow follow log journal, default: False
          • -n [+]number, --lines [+]number output the last number of lines, with --follow the default is 10, use '+' before the number to output the log, starting with the line number
          • command
            • delete delete log
        • status get cloud service status
        • start start cloud service
        • stop stop cloud service
        • install install cloud service
          • -f, --force force installation if service already exists
        • uninstall uninstall cloud service
        • upgrade upgrade cloud service
          • --version version package version, default: the latest
        • ssh ssh to cloud service
          • command print ssh command to cloud service
      • service service commands
        • install install service
          • -f, --force force installation if service already exists
        • uninstall uninstall service
        • status get service status
        • log get service log
          • -c name[:width][,...], --columns name[:width][,...] comma separated list of columns to include and their optional width
          • -f, --follow follow log journal, default: False
          • -n [+]number, --lines [+]number output the last number of lines, with --follow the default is 10, use '+' before the number to output the log, starting with the line number
          • --raw output raw log
          • command
            • format format log
            • delete delete log
        • start start service
        • stop stop service
      • images (✅ New in >= 1.7.241002) images commands
        • list list images
          • --name name can be used to filter images by their name
          • --label selector can be used to filter servers by labels
          • --bound-to id server id linked to the image. Only available for images of type backup
          • --type type choices: 'system', 'snapshot', 'backup', 'app'
          • --arch architecture choices: 'x86' or 'arm'
          • --status status can be used to filter images by their status
          • --sort sort sort by 'id', 'name', 'created', you can add one of ':asc', ':desc' to modify sort order, ':asc' is default
          • --include-deprecated include deprecated images in the response, default: False
        • delete delete image
          • --id id image id
        • create create snapshot
          • -n name, --name name snapshot name (required)
          • --setup-script path path to custom setup script that will be executed on the server to customize the default image (required)
          • -l name, --location name server location
          • -t name, --type name server type, default: cpx11
          • -i architecture:type:name_or_description, --image architecture:type:name_or_description base server image type and name or description, where the architecture is either: 'x86' or 'arm', the type is either: 'system','snapshot','backup','app', followed by the name, default: x86:system:ubuntu-22.04
          • --server-name name server name, default: snapshot-server
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