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Team 1538 / The Holy Cows

  • 33-13-0
  • 2023 San Diego Regional Winners
  • 2023 Newton Division Finalists

How to use

  • Make sure you have wpilib installed.
  • Build the code with ./gradlew build
  • Deploy with ./gradlew deploy
  • Refresh your vscode intellisense with ./gradlew generateVSCodeConfig
  • If needed, generate a compile_commands.json file by running ./gradlew generateCompileCommands

To enable desktop simulation support, you need to change includeDesktopSupport to true in build.gradle before building. It doesn't work on windows at the moment because of the CowConstants and CowLogger dependencies.

Code Structure

The main file is CowBase.cpp, which creates an instance of CowRobot as well as both the controllers for auto and teleop. Depending on whether teleop or auto is enabled, the method SetController is called on the CowRobot. Every loop in handle, CowRobot handle is called.

CowRobot's handle method calls each subsystem's handle method, the controller's handle method, and performs any other tasks for robot functionality.

Subsystems control a physical subsystem of the robot and generally contain motor controllers, getters, setters, and a handle function.

The OperatorController for teleop uses user inputs from the operator console to set states and values which are used in both CowRobot and each subsystem.

How to make a subsystem

The general idea for a subsystem is that it controls the lower levels of a physical section of the robot.

In this year's code, subsystems/Arm does not fit the typical idea of a subsystem because it contains the higher level logic to guide the movement of the entire arm assembly. However, subsystems/Claw, subsystems/Pivot, and subsystems/Telescope all follow the pattern of a typical subsystem.

Start by thinking of all the motors and pneumatics that the subsystem controls. Make a motor controller class instance for each of them. If they are Phoenix Pro motors, you need the associated control request structs as well.

You will probably need a get and set method for each independent motor (not followers). These will most likely do math to convert a value understandable to a human, like an angle of the mechanism, to the motor units (turns). For example, this year's claw subsystem has SetIntakeSpeed, GetIntakeSpeed, GetOpen, SetOpen, RequestWristAngle, and GetWristAngle. Sometimes, you will also need something like GetWristSetpoint for additional logic.

You should perform the same math operations on both the getter and the setter, just inverted. The setter should update a setpoint variable or the control request for that motor.

The handle function should set the motor controller to that setpoint.

The constructor should initialize the motor controllers and all member variables. You don't want to deal with uninitialized doubles causing problems. It should update the neutral mode, sensor phase, and inversion for each motor if needed.

There should be a reset constants function that sets the PID constants for each motor. The constructor should call ResetConstants()

Control Modes

  • Most mechanisms that move to (and hold) a position should use Motion Magic with PID
    • Some will use position if you don't need motion profiling
  • Most basic rollers / intakes will use a simple Percent Output
  • Flywheels / Shooters will probably use Velocity with PIDF
  • Drivetrain will use Percent Output for maximum power or velocity for actual feedback control
    • Our swerve uses percent output calculated with target velocity / max velocity constant

Swerve Drive

Our swerve drive code is broken across many classes.

Joystick inputs are sent from OperatorController to SwerveDriveController, which converts them to robot velocities (vx, vy, omega deg/sec). And sends it to SwerveDrive. SwerveDrive uses a CowSwerveKinematics instance to convert the robot velocities to individual wheel velocities. SwerveDrive then sends those wheel velocities to individual SwerveModule instances. Each swerve module instance handles the calculations to convert from feet per second and degrees to a motor percent output and a position in turns.

The current SwerveModule wheel positions and velocities are sent back to SwerveDrive, which uses an instance of CowSwerveOdometry, which estimates the position of the robot.

For auto, trajectories are generated using PathPlannerLib and sampled to generate target x and y values. A holonomic controller made up of 3 PID controllers converts the trajectory state to robot velocities, which are sent to SwerveDrive, which works the same as in teleop. The holonomic controller used the estimated pose from the odometry to provide feedback control.

CowSwerveKinematics and CowSwerveOdometry rely on the WPILib equivalents. We tried to use second level kinematics (based on YAGSL) but never used the value they produced for feed forward.


The autos are command based, with one class for each command and one file that holds all the modes (AutoModes.cpp). There are utility commands such as ParallelCommand, RaceCommand, SeriesCommand, WaitCommand, and LambdaCommand that can be combined for more advanced autos.

The idea is that each robot action is a command, which usually works best when most things are controlled with state machines.

Paths for swerve are generated with PathPlanner. Each section of the auto is its own path file. To handle the cable guard, we seperated each intake and score action into individual paths so that we could go over the cable guard slower while not sacrificing acceleration.

At champs, our autos were somehow all off to robot right (very strange), so we split the paths into red and blue sides. Try to avoid this if at all possible, it was a last minute change (as in mid qual matches).


There is none. All manual.