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Repository files navigation

Generates code for code generators.

They each have a diferent schema for storing the domain knowledge.

Uses a memory database for loading the domain data and has generated classes to load, retreive and navigate the data.

The files are ini like - line based. The nodes has a configured parent and are tied to the above parent.

This is an query language.

The actor are like functions that can be called and a case like statement that matches. The match is (var exp string), the string can have variables in it.

Actors of the same name, are the case items.

They are given an input node to operate on.

The actor has a list of commands it runs through.

The C command prints the output. The ${var} are the variables of the node. The variables are generated.

The Its command calls another actor with some relation node of it. This way it can navigate the input tree. The relations are generated.

The All command calls another actor that has no relation to it.

It loads the actor and input files and starts at the first actor it has. The loader is generated.

The actor engine is not generated. It can be customized and extended without changing the generated code. At some point the generated code needs to be adjusted as its calls back to the actor engine or the engine wants it to be different.

Input files

The code generator has a input schema file gen.unit to define these nodes and the relation between them.

Comp Comp parent . Find
* Loader definition for defining components - nodes

	Element name       C1 NAME      * of component.
	Element nop        C1 WORD      * readable padding.
	Element parent     R1 COMP      * its parent.
	Element find        C1 WORD      * if need to be found.
	    Opt Find                    * for top level comps
	    Opt FindIn                  * for nested comps
	    Opt .                       * has no name field or not needed.
	Element doc        V1 WORD      * documentation string

Ref parent Comp .

Comp Element parent Comp FindIn
* Loader definition for defining component's elements.

	Element name     C1 NAME  * of element
	Element mw       C1 WORD  * storage type
	    Opt C1                * one word
	    Opt V1                * string to end of line.
	    Opt F1                * link to local comp - same parent - needs a Ref.
	    Opt R1                * link to top level comp - Find - needs a Ref.
	    Opt L1                * link to child of previous link - R1 for first, L1 for chain - needs a Ref2.
	Element mw2      C1 WORD  * data type - not used
	Element pad      C1 WORD  * separator
	Element doc      V1 WORD  * documentation string

Here the generator defines itself.

The sample application schema app.unit is defined is a similar way.

Comp Table parent . Find

	Element name  C1 WORD * a table
	Element pad   C1 WORD * padding, as
	Element value C1 WORD * value

Comp Field parent Table FindIn

	Element name       C1 WORD     * a field name
	Element dt         C1 WORD     * data type
	Element pad        C1 WORD     * padding - to make it more readable.
	Element use        C1 WORD     * grid,search
	  Opt   grid                   * display field in grid on search screen
	  Opt   dropdown               * small select options on capture screen
	  Opt   popup                  * popup search window for value on capture screen
	  Opt   search                 * input for search

Comp Join parent Table

	Element field1  F1 .Field       * link to its field
	Element pad    C1 WORD         * padding - to make it more readable.
	Element table2 R1 Table        * link to other table
	Element field2  L1 Table.Field  * link to other table's field

Ref  field1 Field check
Ref  table2 Table check
Ref2 field2 Field table2 check

Here F1 is a internal reference meaning it links to a field inside a table. Both the join and field share the same parent Table. Only works if the parents are the same.

The R1 means that its a reference field. The Ref defines the relation The L1 is a double link that needs both a table and a field to link to. The Ref2 defines the relation for this. It uses the table2 to get to the field2. The table2 needs to be a R1 and be before field2.

You need a Ref for each R1,F1 and a Ref2 for each L1. This is what the loader uses for the linking and what the classes need for navigation and variable lookups. The Find and FindIn is for the lookup dict - relies on name. The R1 needs to go to a Find and L1,F1 need to go to FindIn.

The check means it is a error if not found. A dot . can be used as optional.

This definition app.unit is used by the code generator to build the sample application generator.

gen s_check.act   app.unit,act.unit 

This would print out errors if somethink is wrong. Errors would end up in the generated source files if ignored.

gen s_load.act   app.unit,act.unit > sample/load.swift 
gen s_struct.act app.unit,act.unit > sample/structs.swift 

The actor template files s_load.act,s_struct.act generate the output based on the defintions. The actor definition file act.unit has a schema to define the actor language. This gets included into the sample app, as it too need to generate.

The util.swift has the string utils and the main.swift is the runtime engine. Both can be copied from the gen application and customized.

Once complied, it works the same as above.

sample tst.act tst.def

The input definition file tst.def is shown here.

Table tb1 as a

Field t1f1 NUM   display dropdown
Field t1f2 FLOAT dispaly normal,grid

Table tb2 as b

Field t2f1 VAR display normal,grid

Join t2f1 to tb1 t1f1

Here the Join links the t2f1 field to the t1f1 field of table tb1.

The actor/template like language is to navigate the input data nodes. The actor ends up in an instance of a class. From there it can print the fields of the instance and go to another actor.

Actor input files

The actor template file tst2.act is shown here.

Actor arg

All Table table_sel

Actor table_sel Table

Out delay

Cs Select (

Its Field field_sel
Its Join join_sel

Cs ) from ${name}  ${value} 

Its Join join_from
Its Join join_where


Actor field_sel Field use has grid

Cs ${.1., } ${parent.value} .${name} 

Actor join_sel Join

Its table2.Field join_field_sel

Actor join_field_sel Field use has grid

Cs , ${parent.value} .${name} 

Actor join_from Join

Cs , ${}  ${table2.value} 

Actor join_where Join

Cs  ${.0.where } ${.1.and } ${parent.value} .${}  = ${table2.value} .${}

The output would be:

Select (a.t1f2) from tb1 a
Select (b.t2f1, a.t1f2) from tb2 b, tb1 a where b.t2f1 = a.t1f1

The Join class has the parent,field1,table2,field2 variables that point to Field,Table instances. The parent variable goes to the Table it belonged to that has the value variable. The ${.0.} outputs where if it is the first row and ${.1.} outputs and if it is not the first row. The actor has a case like matcher to limit and separate the rows, so it is the first row that matches. The ${.+} is the row number. The ${.arg} is the arument passed.

The Its loops on its child nodes Field,Join.

It uses the first actor's name arg as the starting actor.

All Table table_sel

Call the actor table_sel for all the instances of the Table class.

Actor table_sel Table

The table_sel is the name of the actor, Table a reminder that the operations are from the Table class. It gets a handle on the Table class instance. The actor would ignore this actor if the node type passed is not Table. Not checked if it is a . or nothing.

The Cs prints the output code with no newline.

Its Field field_sel

Calls the actor field_sel for all its child fields. The Table class has the code for Field,Join.

The ${name} is the value of the variable name in the Table class.

Actor field_sel Field use has grid

Cs ${.1., } ${parent.value} .${name} 

The use is a variable of the Field class. The has match a list of values normal,grid from the use variable to an item grid, in works the other way round.

The ${parent.value}, the parent would go to Table and then the value of it.

Variable names are lower case, other has special meaning to get to the value. The same aplies to Its.

The ${.1.} has the value of , if it is not the first entry.

Out delay

Delays the output and is triggered by the next actor's output. If the next actor has no output, it gets disgarded. This is to avoid having empty selects.

Its table2.Field join_field_sel

The Join node has a pointer variable table2 going to Table that has a lsit of fields that gets passed to the join_field_sel actor.


The ${name}l is to convert it to lower case. The ${name} has no conversion. Variable ${} global access to input data. Matches the tables's name to tb1. The ${.actor_name.} access to the node that the actor has. Break - breaks the actor loop - if non matches it can get to the default one. Break loop - break the calling loop - if only needing one. Unique - for not duplication code. The &= on the actor's match is true is the previous one was true. The Its .actor_name - use that actor's node instead.

JSON input files

See examples how to navigate json files.

Building: Swift version 5.6.2

mkdir app
cd app
swift package init --type=executable

copy source files to Sources/app

swift build


The sample generator is joined with the code generator in src. You can run the examples from it.


Small core version that can to be changed as needed. Can be ported to other languages - mostly generated. The json and group are examples on how to add plugins. The V-lang version is very simular to this one. The golang version is older and not as well automated. The Crytal-lang one is newer.


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