This is a project created with the purpose of learning React, a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces. The project is a travel website for exploring and planning your next travel. It serves as a practical application of the concepts and techniques taught in React Website Tutorial - Beginner React JS Project Fully Responsive.
To give you a glimpse of this project, let's take a look at: Here, you will find the deployed version of the travel website, ready to be explored and tested.
This project has been deployed using GitHub Pages.
- Browse and discover various travel destinations.
- View detailed information about each destination, including descriptions and images.
- User-friendly interface with intuitive navigation.
Clone the repository: Start by cloning this repository to your local machine using the command
git clone
. -
Install dependencies: Navigate to the project's root directory and run
npm install
to install the necessary dependencies. -
Run the development server: Start the development server by running
npm run dev
. This will launch the application in your default browser. -
Deployment on GitHub Pages: Deploy the site by running
npm run deploy
. The GitHub Pages option in your GitHub project settings must be set to the gh-pages branch.