An OMOP CDM Based Automatic Clinical Trial Generalizability Assessment Framework.
- Installation
- Usage
- Config
- Main Packages Used
- Notes
- Databases
- Previous Implementation
- Paper
- Contributing
- License
- Clone this repository.
git clone
cd gist
- Create a virtual env.
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
- Use the package manager pip to install dependencies.
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- Install gist cli (this will allow you run the
command instead ofpython3 gist/
pip3 install --editable .
By default, gist automatically grabs the following environment variables
GIST_DEBUG # boolean
GIST_EHR_CONN_STR # postgresql://username:password@hostname:port/database
GIST_CRIT_CONN_STR # postgresql://username:password@hostname:port/database
GIST_TRIAL_IDS # space delimited trial ids
Run trial NCT02885496 showing debug output
gist --debug --trial_id NCT02885496
Run trial NCT02885496 and NCT00562356 with out debug output
gist -t NCT02885496 -t NCT00562356
Run trial NCT02885496 and NCT00562356 with trial ids and debug env placed in .env. When all options/arguments are placed in the .env, you can just run gist
in the terminal.
GIST needs two postgresql connection strings in your environment variables.
An example .env file to place in root
GIST_TRIAL_IDS=NCT02885496 NCT00562356
to create the cli interfacesqlalchemy
as an ORM to simplify query generationpython-dotenv
to automatically grab envs from .env file(s).
Entities were generated with sqlacodegen
and modifiyed to allowed for subqueryload of ehr data in the person entity.
condition_occurrence = relationship('ConditionOccurrence')
drug_exposure = relationship('DrugExposure')
procedure_occurrence = relationship('ProcedureOccurrence')
measurement = relationship('Measurement')
observation = relationship('Observation')
GIST reads criteria in a certain schema. ddl can be found in the repo linked below.
GIST currently supports OMOP CDM 5.2.2. It may work with later version but not for certain.
An synpuf database has been made available to test with gist.
version 2Javascript
version 3C#
implementation with no interface
- GIST 2.0: A scalable multi-trait metric for quantifying population representativeness of individual clinical studies
- A knowledge base of clinical trial eligibility criteria
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.