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Connect Android App, Firebase and Notification Hub

Thomas Czogalik edited this page Dec 12, 2016 · 1 revision

This guide will show you how to connect the Android App, your Firebase project and your Notification Hub.

To connect them you need to change some Strings in the NotificationSettings class in the package first.

  1. First change the HubName to the actual name of your Notification Hub.
  2. Then change the SenderId.
  • You get this id from the Firebase console. Log in and select your project you have created before with Android Studio.
  • Now click on the settings button and on project settings.

  • Click on the Cloud Messaging tab and you'll find your SenderId which you put into the NotificationSettings class and a server key which you note down, because you'll need it in the next step.
  1. Finally you need to connect your Notification Hub.
  • First you have to connect your Firebase project with your Notification Hub. To make this happen you have to add your Firebase server key into your Notification Hub. Select your Notification Hub and click on Settings -> Notification Services -> Google (GCM) and insert your server key from Firebase into the field.
  • Finally you need to connect your NotificationHub with the android app. Click on Access Policy and copy the DefaultListenSharedAccessSignature String and insert it into the NotificationSettings class as the HubListenConnectionString.

Click here to see how to use the app.