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Punch clock ("Chấm công" in Vietnamese) is a simple smart contract to keep track of people in and out time.

The contract has all of the basic functionalities:

  • Add/remove admins
  • Add/remove members
  • Change owner
  • Punch in/out a member, and get all punch cards of a member
  • Destroy the contract when not needed anymore

Usage and cost estimates

(Note: gas price = 0.00000002 Ether, 1 ETH = $40 in these calculations)

  • Deploy the contract

Running truffle migrate to deploy the contract, cost 1,037,583 gas (0.02075166 ETH, or $0.83)

  • Create a new instance of the contract

Running"0xf6f80ec1af70453428615abb075b1b525bac17b6") cost 1,037,583 gas (0.02075166 ETH, or $0.83)

  • Add an admin to the contract

Running pc.addAdmin("0x9fe37de4c8645ce7370009a016b35c946d05ccd2") cost 114,305 gas (0.0022861 ETH, or $0.09)

  • Add a member to the contract

Running pc.addMember("0xf3da29ea01acbb909640bbb34dc90fbda3770d08") cost 68,879 gas (0.00137758 ETH, or $0.06)

  • Punch in and out a member

Running pc.punchIn("0xf3da29ea01acbb909640bbb34dc90fbda3770d08", 1490196679) cost 65,923 gas (0.00131846 ETH, or $0.05)

Running pc.punchOut("0xf3da29ea01acbb909640bbb34dc90fbda3770d08", 1490196680) cost 47,253 gas (0.00094506 ETH, or $0.04)

  • At a summary: a company has 10 admins, 100 employees, working 26 days a month, each person punch in and out once a day, then the estimated cost:
    • to setup a contract: $0.83 (contract creation) + 10 * $0.09 (add one admin) + 100 * $0.06 (add one member) = $7.73
    • to punch in and out each month: 110 * ($0.05 + $0.04) * 26 = $257.4
    • retrieving the data (i.e. invoking getter methods) is free


  • Install truffle and testrpc
  • Open Terminal and run testrpc in one console
  • Open another console and:
    • Compile the code
      $ truffle compile
    • Run unit tests
      $ truffle test 
    • Deploy to test network
      $ truffle migrate --reset
    • Test the code in truffle console
      $ truffle console
      $> var pc
      $> PunchClock.deployed().then(function(instance) { pc = instance; })
      $> var owner
      $> pc.getOwner().then(function(o) { owner = o; })
      $> pc.punchIn(owner, 1490196677).then(function() { pc.punchOut(owner, 1490196679); })
      $> var cards
      $> pc.getPunchCardsOf(owner).then(function(c) { cards = c; })
      $> cards
      You should see a result like this (Truffle v3.1.2 & TestRPC v3.0.3)
      [ [ { [String: '1490196677'] s: 1, e: 9, c: [Object] },
          { [String: '1490196679'] s: 1, e: 9, c: [Object] } ] ]
      Note: the output above looks weird, but it's expected. You can run these command to verify:
      $ cards[0][0] == 1490196677 // return true
      $ cards[0][1] == 1490196679 // return true

Web interface

  • Install truffle default builder using this command:
    npm install truffle-default-builder --save
  • Execute:
    truffle serve
  • Open web browser and type: "localhost:8080". You'll see a basic web interfact that allows you to execute all functionalities of this contract.


Code released under the Apache License 2.0.