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The website version of slidelint can be accessed at

Slidelint Site

slidelint site allows users to check theirs presentation with slidelint through web interface on-line.

This repository contain buildout and sources for slidelint site.

Setting up a slidelint site

System requirements

The slidelint site is written in Python 3.

  • Python 3.3 (3.2 is too old and 3.4 is currently too new and not compatible with Circus)
  • ZMQ 4 (or newer)
  • Docker

slidelint-site is developed and tested on Ubuntu Trusty. Your mileage on other Linux systems and Ubuntu versions may vary.

The site requires the packages are installed on your system:

  • python3-devel
  • libevent-devel
  • zeromq3-devel
  • docker

In Ubuntu you can install them with the following command

apt-get install python3-dev libevent-dev libzmq3-dev

To install Docker take a look at its installation instruction at

Once the requirements are installed, you can use buildout to get the Python dependencies. See the example below:

cp buildout.cfg.example buildout.cfg
vim buildout.cfg  # Edit the buildout config to contain the required settings

Starting the Site

Run the command

bin/circusd circus.ini

Configuring the Site

You can configure site by editing buildout.cfg.

The two sections you are likely to be interested in are:

  • The mailing configuration. This controls where error messages are sent.
mailloger_host = localhost
mailloger_from =
mailloger_to =
mailloger_subject = SlideLint: Error has occurred
# credentials should be written as ", ('name', 'password')"
mailloger_credentials =
mail_subject = Slidelint: feedback received
mail_port = 25
  • The second is worker config. This controls how workers are created and set up.
slidelint = docker run -t -c 4 -v {default_config_path}:/config -v {presentation_location}:/presentation --networking=false slidelint/box slidelint -f json --files-output=/presentation/{presentation_name}.res --config={config_path} /presentation/presentation.pdf
onetime = true
debug_url =
  • The instance_config section allows you to change the site configuration, such as port, logger levels and other.
server_port = 8080

Please note that all section in buildout.cfg are just shortcuts to make setup easier, to see all available options take a look at base.cfg file at sections instance_config, mailing_config, circus_config and worker_config.

Site Structure

This site is separated into three parts:

  • User front-end, that users interact with.
  • Server back-end, that queues the linting process to be done.
  • Workers, that actually perform presentations linting with slidelint.

The system works as follows:

  • The user provided file is ?sent? from the front-end to the backend.
  • Backend takes the file and add new job to queue.
  • Free worker picks up the job, preforms linting, sending the results to the collector.
  • Front-end asking backend's collector about job results until it receive them.

Site Scheme


This part of the system allows users to upload presentations files, shows the uploading process and waiting message, and finally shows users results.

The front-end is based on Angular.

Files related to front-end:

  • slidelint_site/templates/ - main page that loads angular app
  • slidelint_site/static - static resources(images, css, js, ...)
  • slidelint_site/static/js/app.js - angular application that implements front-end behavior
  • slidelint_site/static/templates/waiting.html - template for modal dialog that shows uploading progress and waiting message


Linting process is three steps:

  1. Showing visitor a file uploading form.
  2. Showing awaiting form (and sending file to server, and waiting for results).
  3. Showing slide linting results (and in case if something goes wrong showing to user 'try later' message).


Queuing and Worker(s)

We use the "OMQ" found at

Overall, the system works like follows;

  • Website puts something into the queue.
  • Worker gets item from queue and puts results somewhere.
  • Website polls to find out the result.

Queue Manager

Code for the Queue Manager is in queue_manager

It's a python queue that use zmq Divide-and-Conquer model to communicate with its workers.

It uses tcp protocol, so the worker can be separate from the site, even on other machine.


Files related to workers:

As the worker could be on its own machine, the worker uses its own configuration file.

For our system:

  • Each worker is "throwed away" after it has completed a job.
  • Multiple workers are running at the same time (the number of workers can be configured on circus_config section - workers_number)

"throw away" each worker after it has completed a job

Circus is used for managing workers. It allows not only control a number of running processes, but also a lot of other things like max_age of worker and others. Basically Circus starts a new worker in when some of running workers died ("throwed away") and make sure that it is always the configured number of workers are available.

Worker Sandboxing

We use docker for sanboxing / worker creation -

The docker image slidelint/box is where slidelint was installed and configuration files was added.

The sandboxed slidelint check look like this

docker run -t -v {presentation_location}:/presentation --networking=false slidelint/box slidelint -f json --files-output=/presentation/{presentation_name}.res /presentation/presentation.pdf

The options are:

  • -t - Allocate a pseudo-tty
  • -v {presentation_location}:/presentation - mounting directory from computer to docker session. All directory content will be reachable in "/presentation" directory at docker envirovment.
  • --networking=false - disabling network access from running session
  • slidelint -f json --files-output=/presentation/{presentation_name}.res /presentation/presentation.pdf - here goes slidelint itself.

Any changes which were made inside session wouldn't be persistent.

Errors handling

We have two separated applications - site and slidelint worker, so we can have different logging handlers for each of them:

  • site will send full error trace-back to site administrator.
  • slidelint worker will save incoming PDF presentation file and send to administrator error trace-back with link to presentation.

There are also error logs in the var directory:

  • site_errors.log
  • site.log
  • worker_errors.log
  • workers.log

Incoming documents which cause issues will be saved to debug_storage directory for review with details about what happened.

People can also reports errors via a feedback form.

SMTP logging handler

The message looks like:

 2014-02-01 02:44:21,372 - root - ERROR -
    Slidelint process died while trying to check presentation.
    You can access this presentation by link
    The command: 'slidelint -f json ...' died with the following traceback:

        Traceback (most recent call last):
        File "slidelint", line 9, in <module>  load_entry_point('slidelint==1.0dev', 'console_scripts', 'slidelint')()
        File "", line 106, in cli  lint(target_file, config_file, output, enable_disable_ids, msg_info)
        File "", line 89, in lint  output['files_output'], output['ids'])
        File "", line 151, in output_handler  formated_report = formater(rezults)
        File "", line 18, in __call__  filtred = [msg for msg in report if msg['id'] not in self.mute_ids]
        File "", line 88, in __iter__  raise IOError(checker_rez)
        IOError: The function 'wrapped' of 'slidelint.utils' module raised an Exception:
        No /Root object! - Is this really a PDF?

Feedback form and view

There is a feedback form on the results page. It sends emails with the body which looks like:

Job id: ddb93ff1750248cdad8292eabd901f3a
Feedback text:
some feedback text some feedback text some feedback text some


There are file size and file type validators at front-end (check file type and size before uploading) and back-end(won't upload more than allowed). The max file size limit is configured by max_allowed_size variable in instance_config section (size is in bytes).

Slidelint docker image setup

If you don't familiar with docker take this tutorial first -

Clone base image from docker repository:

docker pull ubuntu

Run bash session on targeted docker image:

docker run  -t -i ubuntu bash

Install slidelint dependencies slidelint itself(for more details about slidelint take a look at

apt-get update
apt-get install openjdk-7-jre zlib1g-dev libxml2-dev libxslt-dev python-lxml python-dev poppler-utils poppler-data python-pip
pip install

So slidelint is installed and now you need to commit your changes. Interrupt attached bash session by pressing ctrl+D and save changes to image with name 'ubuntu:slidelint':

$ docker ps -l
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND             CREATED             STATUS              PORTS               NAMES
f3fc9830bc81        ubuntu:14.04        bash                48 minutes ago      Exit 130                                angry_galileo

$ docker commit -m "installed slidelint" f3fc9830bc81 ubuntu:slidelint

That's all.

So if you have presentation located in /home/default_user/presentations/p3_howto_create_pdf_presentation.pdf you can check it inside docker 'ubuntu:slidelint' container simply by run following command:

 $ docker run -t -v /home/default_user/presentations:/presentation --networking=false ubuntu:slidelint slidelint /presentation/p3_howto_create_pdf_presentation.pdf
 No config file found, using default configuration
********************** Slide Deck p3_howto_create_pdf_presentation.pdf
C:Slide 1: Too close to edges: Text should not appear closer than 1/16.0th of the page size to the edges. (too-close-to-edges)
C:Slide 2: Too close to edges: Text should not appear closer than 1/16.0th of the page size to the edges. (too-close-to-edges)
C:Slide 3: Too close to edges: Text should not appear closer than 1/16.0th of the page size to the edges. (too-close-to-edges)
C:Slide 4: Too close to edges: Text should not appear closer than 1/16.0th of the page size to the edges. (too-close-to-edges)
C:Slide 1: Font is to small: Text should take up a minimum of 1/6.0th the page. (font-to-small)
C:Slide 2: Font is to small: Text should take up a minimum of 1/6.0th the page. (font-to-small)
C:Slide 3: Font is to small: Text should take up a minimum of 1/6.0th the page. (font-to-small)
C:Slide 4: Font is to small: Text should take up a minimum of 1/6.0th the page. (font-to-small)
C:Slide 1: grammar - Possible agreement error. The noun 'guide' seems to be countable, so consider using: 'guides'. (CD_NN)
C:Slide 1: style - Three successive sentences begin with the same word. Reword the sentence or use a thesaurus to find a synonym. (ENGLISH_WORD_REPEAT_BEGINNING_RULE)
C:Slide 2: grammar - Possible agreement error. The noun 'guide' seems to be countable, so consider using: 'guides'. (CD_NN)
C:Slide 2: misspelling - Possible spelling mistake found (EN_CONTRACTION_SPELLING)
C:Slide 3: grammar - Possible agreement error. The noun 'guide' seems to be countable, so consider using: 'guides'. (CD_NN)
C:Slide 3: misspelling - Possible spelling mistake found (MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US)
C:Slide 3: misspelling - Possible spelling mistake found (MORFOLOGIK_RULE_EN_US)
C:Slide 3: typographical - Possible typo: apostrophe is missing. Did you mean 'options'' or 'option's'? (POSSESIVE_APOSTROPHE)
C:Slide 3: whitespace - Don't put a space before the full stop (COMMA_PARENTHESIS_WHITESPACE)
C:Slide 4: grammar - Possible agreement error. The noun 'guide' seems to be countable, so consider using: 'guides'. (CD_NN)
C:Slide 4: typographical - Possible typo: apostrophe is missing. Did you mean 'options'' or 'option's'? (POSSESIVE_APOSTROPHE)


slidelint site allows users to check their presentations for common issues







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  • JavaScript 75.9%
  • Python 22.2%
  • CSS 1.1%
  • Shell 0.8%