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Aditya Gore edited this page Oct 14, 2021 · 9 revisions

The SI module is run from the same Python program used to run traffic and transit assignment -, which is located in scenario_name/model/code/visum folder. This module simply copies the base VISUM version file to a local copy in scenario_name/outputs/tXX/, and then extracts year-specific model inputs from the version file into files used by other modules.

Location File Name Description
scenario_name\outputs\t* swimNetworkAttributes.ver Year specific VISUM version file used in the TA and TR modules
scenario_name\outputs\t* Module-specific properties from current model run
scenario_name\outputs\t* ActivityConstraintsI.csv AA Beta zone Activity Target values (used in AA constrained runs)
scenario_name\outputs\t* FloorspaceInventory.csv Floorspace inventory
scenario_name\outputs\t* LandSQFTxZoning.csv Zoning data used by AA
scenario_name\outputs\t* alpha2beta.csv Zone data used by multiple modules
scenario_name\outputs\t* ActivityTotalsI.csv AA Activity Total values (used in AA constrained runs)

Files also used by SI

  1. inputs\parameters\air_inputs.csv - Air network skims (such as travel time, distance, fare)
  2. inputs\parameters\zoneFieldNames.csv - names of the zone fields that are export to alpha2beta.csv, ActivityConstraintsI.csv, FloorspaceInventory.csv, FloorspaceI.csv, AllZones.csv, AgForestFloorspace.csv, ActivityTotalsI.csv, LandSQFTxZoning.csv for use by other models. This does not need to be changed.
  3. inputs\parameters\worldZoneDistances.csv - Distances from external station zones to world markets. This does not need to be changed.
  4. inputs\parameters\ActivityTotalsIOtherValues.csv - The activity with total values to be used in AA constrained runs. These contain activities that are not contained in the model and are added to ActivityTotalsI.csv. This does not need to be changed.
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