Here is the installation method of NSmartProxy server (Linux, windows, MacOS are compatible)
- First of all, you need a server with a separate IP, the following installation process is performed on this machine:
- Install .NET Core Environment
- Download the latest version of NSmartProxy
- You can run the nspserver directly without having to install the runtime. Four sets of ports are required to run the docker image: configuration port, reverse connection port, API service port and consumer port:
sudo docker pull tmoonlight/nspserver
sudo docker run --name mynspserver -dit -p 7842:7842 -p 7841:7841 -p 12309:12309 -p 20000-20050 tmoonlight/nspserver
- Unzip the package of NSmartProxy server.
- Open the appsettings.json file in the installation directory, set the reverse connection port and configure the service port:
"ReversePort": 7842, //Reverse connection port
"ConfigPort": 7841, //Configure the service port
"WebAPIPort": 12309 //API service port
3. Run NSmartProxy Server
- Linux/MacOS: Change directory to the installation directory ,then execute the following command:
sudo dotnet NSmartProxy.ServerHost.dll
- Windows: Press Windows+R to open the “Run” box. Type “cmd” into the box and then press Ctrl+Shift+Enter to run the command as an administrator. Change directory to the installation directory ,then execute the following command:
dotnet NSmartProxy.ServerHost.dll
In the next step,you can log in to http://youraddress:12309 and enter the web terminal. The default user password is admin/admin.
And enter the server to perform various management operations.