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Gusto - A coffeescript testing framework


Gusto lets you write behavioral tests for your Coffeescript. It's inspired by rspec, and features an integrated command-line spec runner.


  • Jasmine -- integrates well with Rails, limited command-line support, no built-in Coffeescript support
  • Evergreen -- uses Jasmine and has good Coffeescript support, no support for nested file structures
  • Gusto -- native support for Coffeescript, clean syntax for assertions and stubs, no support for plain JavaScript, command-line autotest mode



To install gusto:

gem install gusto


Gusto expects your Coffeescript source code to be in .coffee files, within a lib directory, and your specs to be in files within a specs directory.

You can override these locations by creating a configuration file in gusto.json or config/gusto.json.

Here's an example configuration for a Rails project using the Rails 3 asset pipeline:

  "lib_paths": [
  "spec_paths": [

Sprockets extensions

You can provide custom code to run on Gusto's internal Sprockets environment. This allows you to load up any other libraries required to compile your assets, for example:

// config/gusto.json
    "sprockets_extensions": "config/gusto/sprockets_extensions.rb"

# config/gusto/sprockets_extensions.rb
puts "Extending Sprockets with HandlebarsAssets"
require 'handlebars_assets'
append_path HandlebarsAssets.path

Writing specs

Create a file under specs for each test case.

#= require ST/Model

Spec.describe "Model", ->
  before ->
    @model = new Model()

  describe "#scoped", ->
    it "returns a new scope", ->
      expect(@model.scoped()).to beA Scope

Structuring your specs

describe/context blocks break up and organize your tests, and it blocks define individual tests.

before blocks run before any tests in the same context, and give you a place to set up the environment for your tests:

Spec.describe 'Employee', ->
  describe '#new', ->
    context 'with a name', ->
      before ->
        @employee = new Employee('Fred')

      it "has a name", ->
        expect( equal('Fred')

Expecting behaviour (assertions)

Use expect within an it block to specify what constitutes success:

it 'is named Lisa', ->
  expect( equal 'Lisa'

it 'is not blue', ->
  expect(@car.color).notTo equal 'Blue'


Matchers define what you can check with an expect. The following matchers are provided as part of Gusto:

  • equal(expectedValue) Tests if values are equal by converting them both to strings and comparing
  • be(expectedValue) Tests if values are identical as-is
  • beA(class) / beAn(class) Tests that the value is, or inherits from, the specified class
  • include(expectedValues) Tests if an object or an array includes the specified value(s). (expectedValues can be an object, an array, or a single string/boolean/number)
  • throwError(message) Tests if a function causes an error to be thrown when called.

Marking tests as pending

Leave out a tests's definition, and it's marked as pending, ready for you to fill in later

describe '#new', ->
  it "has a name"

You can also put pending() at the start of a test to mark it as pending, and optionally provide a description:

it "calculates age and credit rating", ->
  pending("determine credit rating procedure")
  expect(@customer.ageAndCreditRating()).to equal('42 and excellent')

Mocking and stubbing

Mock objects

Create a mock object with mock:

@switch = mock('light switch', on: true, off: true)

All arguments are optional.

Method stubs

You can stub a method on an object using allow().toReceive

it "should do a trick", ->
  allow(@dog).toReceive 'jump'

You can also require that specific arguments are provided using .with:

allow(@dog).toReceive('jump').with(2, 'meters')

Specify a return a value with .andReturn:



Require that a stub be called using expect, and you'll get an error if it isn't:


You can also require that a stub not be called:


Specify that a stub should be called multiple times with .exactly(n).times:


When you put an expectation on a method, you override the original method. You can keep its existing behaviour with .andPassthrough:


Spec Runner

Run specs with the gusto command.

bundle exec gusto [options] mode

The auto mode uses watchr to monitor files for changes, and automatically reruns your tests when your code changes.

The cli mode lets you run tests only once, for use with continuous integration tools.

The server mode starts only the built in Sinatra server, allowing you to run tests manually through your browser of choice.

You can abbreviate modes to their first letter, for example gusto s is the same as gusto server.

Running partial suite

When running as a server, you can run part of your test suite by specifying a ?filter= paramter in the URL with a keyword to filter spec file names against.



Gusto automatically loads all of your specs, but loads only the lib files that are required, using the Sprockets library.

You specify which files are required to run a script using #= require processor directives:

#= require jquery
#= require jquery-ui
#= require backbone
#= require_tree .

Writing more expressive tests

Gusto has some more advanced language features you can use to make your tests shorter and more expressive.


given is a shorthand way to set up your test objects.

describe '#setEngine', ->
  given 'engine', -> new Engine()

  it 'should set engine', ->
    @car.setEngine @engine
    @car.getEngine().should be(@engine)


subject sets up a special subject named @subject, which is automatically used as the object to run assertions on, when not explicitly specified.

Spec.describe 'Car', ->
  subject -> new Car()

  it -> should beAnInstanceOf(Car)

  describe '#setEngine' ->
    given 'engine', -> new Engine()
    before -> @subject.setEngine @engine

    # Automatic title: "should be running"
    it -> should 'beRunning'


its tests an attribute of the subject.

Spec.describe 'Car', -> subject -> new Car()

 describe '#setEngine' ->
   given 'engine', -> new Engine()
   before -> @subject.setEngine @engine

   # Automatic title: "engine should be @engine"
   its('getEngine') -> should be(@engine)

   # Automatic title: "engine should not be overheated"
   its('getEngine') -> shouldNot 'beOverheated'

Untitled Specifications

If you leave out the title from a specification, Gusto will attempt to create one using the source code of the specification definition. This works better for shorter specs.

Spec.describe 'Employee', ->
  # Automatic title: "@employee name should not equal Barry"
  it -> equal('Barry')