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tobspr edited this page Mar 3, 2016 · 13 revisions

My textures look grayish, like they would have a limited color space.

Be sure to create your textures in the sRGB color space. Otherwise they will be displayed not correctly. Also, don't forget to call tex.set_format(Texture.F_srgb) or tex.set_format(Texture.F_srgb_alpha) after loading the textures.

My normals / lighting seems to be wrong

If your object has a bumpfactor of greater than zero but no bumpmap applied, the normals might be off and thus look strange, also affecting the lighting. Ensure the bumpmap factor is either 0 or you have a proper bumpmap applied!

Also make sure you do not have a negative scale on your object, since this will flip objects, even if it might look right in blender.

PointLight has no attribute xxx

Make sure you don't do from panda3d.core import * or from panda3d.core import PointLight, since Panda3D also has a PointLight class. If you import the wrong class, you will get those errors.