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Writing Plugins

tobspr edited this page Apr 15, 2016 · 5 revisions

If you want to add functionality to the pipeline, you should create a Plugin for the pipeline. Most of the features of the pipeline are written in plugins, and the pipeline only provides the core functionality.

To create a new plugin, you should copy the plugin_prefab and rename it to the identifier of your plugin. The identifier should be short, and represent the feature the plugin provides, e.g. hbao, scattering and so on.

After you have done that, you should insert your plugin identifier to config/plugins.yaml to make sure the pipeline loads your plugin.

Now that your plugin gets loaded, you should add functionality to it, have a look at the [Plugin Structure](Plugin Structure) and [Plugin API](Plugin API).

Most of the time you will want to insert render stages into the pipeline, to add features. Have a look here: [Render Stages](Render Stages)