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How to set up OpenKeeper

Toni Helenius edited this page Jun 17, 2024 · 12 revisions

OpenKeeper uses Gradle to be IDE independent. You can run, commit and update the project from any Java IDE supporting Gradle, or even no IDE at all, since Gradle can build the code on it's own.

jMonkeyEngine SDK (based on Netbeans)

While you don't really need to use the JME SDK, I personally use it. It comes with material editors and whatnot you can possibly use.

First, install Gradle plugin (should be pre-installed):

Tools / Plugins / Available plugins / search "gradle"


  • Clone with Team / Git / Clone /,
  • Press "Next" and make sure the remote branch "Master*" is selected
  • Press "Next" and select a destination directory.
  • Press "Finish" and wait for the cloning.
  • Ask to open existing project after cloning.
  • Wait for cloning and you're done.

To get JAVADOC & sources for the used libraries, right click OpenKeeper - Dependencies on Projects tab. Select "Download sources".

Note to jMonkey SDK users on Linux : On a fresh install, you may have to set all the bins in /home/myName/jmonkeyplatform/jdk/jre/bin to executable.

I just want to play it

Alright, we got you covered. It is either we haven't done any releases yet, or you think our release cycle sucks. You don't need to understand anything about Java, coding or IDEs. Just a bit about executing stuff on the command line. That is the scariest part. But if you manage that. You can just lube up you mouse fingers and start the game.

Here is what you need:

  • Java JDK 21
  • Internet connection

Here is what you do:

  1. Install Java JDK (
  2. Get our code from the branch you want (master is the default and the most stable), just see our GitHub main page and click Clone or download. Download the ZIP and extract it
  3. Open command line (CMD) and browse to the directory you just extracted the code
  4. Type gradlew run (or ./gradlew run in Linux or similar)