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tony48 edited this page Jan 20, 2021 · 23 revisions

European Hermes

Hermes once was the flagship project of ESA, Ariane and the whole European aeronautic industry. This small-scale space shuttle would have allowed Europe to launch humans to space, and to reuse an orbital vehicle. It would also have been fitted with a service module and a very useful manipulating arm. Hermes was the reason why Ariane 5 was human-rated, and helped in the selection of the final design. Sadly, Hermes ended up canceled for many political and financial reasons. However, because we are talking of KSP, you can fly it as much as you'd like !

Knes comes with two decals for the Hermes Space Shuttle: Mk1 and Mk2. It's just a visual feature.

Basic Build Guide

  • Hermes Space Shuttle
    • Hermes Ailerons L, R and C (Left, Right and Center)
    • Hermes Rudders L and R
    • 3x LH-35 Hermes Landing Gear
    • 2x Airbrake For Hermes Space Shuttle
  • Hermes HRM
    • 2x Mk-91 "Calliosto" Monoprop Engine
  • Hera Grapple Robotic Arm
  • ECBM (for MRK)

French Hermes (Callisto)

Before being a European project, Hermes was French. This design is from 1978 and would have launched on an Ariane 5. Three different bay modules are available, depending on the cargo you want to take with you.

Basic Build Guide

  • Callisto Space Shuttle
    • 2x Callisto Space Shuttle Wings
      • Callisto Space Shuttle Elevon
      • LH-35 Hermes Landing Gear
    • Calliston "OME" Monoprop Engine
    • Callisto Space Shuttle Rudder
    • LH-35 Hermes Landing Gear
    • Any bay module

The original design had a parachute in the nose, for abort landings in the water. Although it isn't included in KNES, you can put a stock parachute in it, for testing purposes of course.

Bay Modules

Crew Module

So you want to take all the KSC staff in orbit? With the Crew Module, you can! It adds 6 seats to Hermes, and a node for a docking port.

Build Guide

  • Callisto Crew Module
    • OX-STAT-XL Photovoltaic Panels OR Callisto Solar Panel
    • K-06 "Arcas" Docking Port Jr. or any docking port you want

Structural Dock

If you need to carry a payload with you, and a docking port, the Structural Dock is a good choice.

Build Guide

  • Callisto Structural Dock
    • K-06 "Arcas" Docking Port Jr. or any docking port you want

Structural Dock with Utility Module

You can use the aft port of the Structural Dock to attach a spacelab like module.

MiraGino Cargo Module

With the MiraGina Module, you can bring supplies with you to your station!

Strucural Dock +

  • Adapter KB-0625 "Maia"
  • Small "MiraGino" Pressurised Module
  • Small "MiraGino" Pressurised Module

Science Lab or Crystallisation Facility

These modules can be very useful in careers. The Science Lab does the same thing as the stock lab, making science from data, and the crystallisation facility makes Crystal, which you can bring back to Kerbin to get funds.

Structural Dock +

  • Adapter KB-0625 "Maia"
  • Crystallisation Facility Module "Eternity" OR Science Module "Busy"
  • Adapter KB-0625 "Maia"

Docking Module

Not happy with the Structural Dock? Want more space for your kerbals? The Docking Module is a shortened crew module with 2 seats and a docking port to provide you space for your payload AND your kerbals in the cargo bay.

Build Guide

  • Callisto Docking Module
    • K-06 "Arcas" Docking Port Jr. or any docking port you want

The Launcher

When this Hermes was designed, Ariane 5 was chosen as the launcher. But we are in 1978, and the design for Ariane 5 isn't fixed yet. The drawings from that year shows Hermes on top of an Ariane 54P, but you can launch it on a normal Ariane 5(G) or even an Ariane 5C if you want to.

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