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Crash Safe Parallel Patricia

ZengJingtao edited this page Jan 30, 2023 · 2 revisions

Refer to the old Dynamic Patricia Trie (the old name of CSPP)

Since Dynamic Patricia Trie has Crash Safe + Parallel nature from the beginning, I renamed it Crash Safe Parallel Patricia(Trie) later.

Concurrent writing is hard, but even harder is the overall system

When writing the document Dynamic Patricia Trie (the old name of CSPP), it does not have the ability of concurrent writing, only the ability of single writing + concurrent reading.

At the beginning of 2019, I realized the ability to write concurrently. Later, I made a lot of optimizations one after another.

Now (2021-11-21), under 32 cores and 64 threads (two Xeon E5-2682-v4), the concurrent write performance of CSPPMemTab itself (regardless of the value length) easily exceeds that of RocksDB SkipList by 30 times. However, in the end, the overall performance is still seriously hindered by other links in the writing process. Therefore, there is a plan in the ToplingDB Roadmap to rewrite the entire writing process, which will be a very huge leap.