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Using ToplingDB By Example

ZengJingtao edited this page Jan 30, 2023 · 2 revisions

Using ToplingDB from scratch

Deploy and install ToplingDB

  1. server environment

    Operating system: CentOS Linux release 8.4.2105

    g++ version: g++ (GCC) 8.4.1 20200928 (Red Hat 8.4.1-1)

  2. Install related dependencies

    ToplingDB is built on RocksDB, we need to use the compression library snappy and the command line parameter parsing tool gflags. In addition, during the compilation process, libaio's development package is also needed.

    • Install snappy:

      sudo yum install snappy snappy-devel
    • Install gflags:

      • For CentOS 8:

        sudo dnf --enablerepo=powertools install gflags-devel
      • For CentOS 7 (need EPEL):

        sudo yum install gflags-devel
    • Install libaio-devel :

      sudo yum install libaio-devel
  3. Install ToplingDB

    • Get the project's source code

      cd ~
      git clone
    • Update dependent subprojects:

      cd toplingdb
      git submodule update --init --recursive
    • Compile and install the dynamic library:

      make shared_lib
      sudo make install
    • Set environment variables:

      In addition to, we will also use dynamic libraries such as compiled by topling-zip. In the make process just now, topling-zip has been cloned to the toplingdb/sideplugin directory, and the dynamic library it compiles is located at topling-zip/build/Linux-x86_64-g++-8.4-bmi2-1/lib_shared.

      Open the file ~/.bashrc and add the following two lines at the end of the file:

      export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
      export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=~/toplingdb/sideplugin/topling-zip/build/Linux-x86_64-g++-8.4-bmi2-1/lib_shared:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

      After saving, execute the following command to update our settings:

      source ~/.bashrc

      It should be noted that the directory name Linux-x86_64-g++-8.4-bmi2-1 is automatically named according to the compilation environment. If your compilation environment is different from the environment of this article, you need to check the specific directory by yourself and adjust the environment variable path set before.

Open the database through the configuration file

ToplingDB is an embedded database. The library files of the database are directly linked to the application, and the application reads and writes the database by calling the API.

In all the examples in this article, we place the database under the path /home/topling/db/, which is the db folder in the user's home directory. All written code and configuration files are also placed under the user's home directory /home/topling/.

  1. Create configuration files and database directories

    • Execute the following command to create a folder for storing the database.
    cd ~
    mkdir -p db
    mkdir -p db/db_mcf

    Create a configuration file toplingconf.json in the same directory, then find our sample configuration file, and copy the configuration information in it.

    Next, modify the database path information path in the configuration information, which is located in the last db_mcf field. Change it to db_mcf under the db folder in your own user home directory.

    "path": "/home/topling/db/db_mcf"

    For more information on configuration files, see Introduction to the configuration system.

  2. Create .cc/.cpp/.cxx files that manipulate the database

    In the user's main space, create a file sample.cpp containing the main function, load the header file we will use topling/side_plugin_repo.h, and the header file iostream of the standard input and output stream.

    #include "topling/side_plugin_factory.h"
    #include <iostream>

    In the main function, create an instance repo of the rocksdb::SidePluginRepo class. Call its member function ImportAutoFile to load configuration information from the configuration file we just wrote.

    rocksdb::SidePluginRepo repo;    // Repo represents of ConfigRepository

    In the configuration information of the example, the opened database is db_mcf , which is a DB containing multiple ColumnFamily , corresponding to the type rocksdb::DB_MultiCF. Create a pointer dbm of this type to receive the opened database, and print out the information in the returned rocksdb::Status. If OK is returned, it means the opening is successful.

    #include "topling/side_plugin_factory.h"
    #include <iostream>
    int main()
        rocksdb::SidePluginRepo repo;
        rocksdb::DB_MultiCF *dbm;
        auto status = repo.OpenDB(&dbm);
        std::cout << status.ToString() << std::endl;
        return 0;
  3. Compile

    Compile with the following instructions and output the executable file sample.out.

    g++ sample.cpp -I ~/toplingdb/sideplugin/rockside/src -I ~/toplingdb -I ~/toplingdb/sideplugin/topling-zip/src -I ~/toplingdb/sideplugin/topling-zip/boost-include -DSIDE_PLUGIN_WITH_YAML=1  -DROCKSDB_NO_DYNAMIC_EXTENSION=1 -o sample.out

    Execute the resulting binary with the command ./sample.out. Not surprisingly, we will see the terminal print OK , which means we opened the database correctly.

  4. Simple read and write operations to the database

    After opening the database, there are two important member variables in dbm: the pointer db pointing to the database instance and the vector container cf_handles storing all ColumnFamilyHandles.

    auto db = dbm -> db;
    auto handles = dbm -> cf_handles;

    Through them, you can read and write ToplingDB just like operating RocksDB. If we add the analysis of input commands on this basis, it becomes a simple service-style KV database program.

    // write
    db -> Put(rocksdb::WriteOptions(), handles[0], rocksdb::Slice("test"), rocksdb::Slice("default_cf");
    db -> Put(rocksdb::WriteOptions(), handles[1], rocksdb::Slice("test"), rocksdb::Slice("custom_cf");
    std::string value1 , value2;
    db -> Get(rocksdb::ReadOptions(), handles[0], rocksdb::Slice("test"), &value1);
    db -> Get(rocksdb::ReadOptions(), handles[1], rocksdb::Slice("test"), &value2);
    std::cout << value1 << std::endl;
    std::cout << value2 << std::endl;
    status = db -> Delete(rocksdb::WriteOptions(), handles[0], rocksdb::Slice("test"));
    std::cout << status.ToString() << std::endl;
    status = db -> Delete(rocksdb::WriteOptions(), handles[0], rocksdb::Slice("not exist"));
    std::cout << status.ToString() << std::endl;

Replace SST Table

ToplingDB supports side plugin, and the TableFactory of the SST file can be replaced only by changing the configuration file without modifying the code.

  • Using RocksDB's built-in SST

    Modify the TableFactory part in the configuration file to add configurations of different Table types.

    "TableFactory": {
        "block_based": {
            "class": "BlockBasedTable",
            "params": {
        "cuckoo": {
            "class": "CuckooTable",
            "params": {
        "plain": {
            "class": "PlainTable",
            "params": {

    Then in the database section, use our newly set table:

    "SliceTransform": {
        "default": {
            "class" : "FixedPrefixTransform",
            "params" :{
                "prefix_len" : 10
    "database": {
        "column_families": {
            "default": "$default",
            "custom_cf" : {
                "max_write_buffer_number": 4,
                "target_file_size_base": "16M",
                "target_file_size_multiplier": 2,
                "table_factory": "block_based",
                "ttl": 0
            "cuckoo_cf" : {
                "table_factory": "cuckoo"
            "plain_cf" : {
                "table_factory": "plain",
                "prefix_extractor" : "$default"

    Run our previous program directly. In the opened database, the two ColumnFamilies, cuckoo_cf and plain_cf, have used the new Table instead of the default BlockBasedTable.

    If you encounter problems at this step, you can also refer to 2-1-toplingconf.json.

  • Use third-party SST files

    You only need to register the third-party Factory through the ROCKSDB_FACTORY_REG macro, and you can use third-party SST files just like using RocksDB built-in types.

    For a simple demonstration, we wrap BlockBasedTable a little bit and treat it as a third-party SST file.

    1. Create mysst.h

      // mysst.h
      #include "table/block_based/block_based_table_factory.h"
      namespace rocksdb
      struct MyBlockBasedTableOptions : public BlockBasedTableOptions {};
      class MyBlockBasedTableFactory : public BlockBasedTableFactory
      explicit MyBlockBasedTableFactory(
            const MyBlockBasedTableOptions& table_options = MyBlockBasedTableOptions());
            const char* Name() const;
      ~MyBlockBasedTableFactory() {};
    2. Create mysst.cpp

      // mysst.cpp
      #include "mysst.h"
      #include <iostream>
      namespace rocksdb
      MyBlockBasedTableFactory::MyBlockBasedTableFactory(const MyBlockBasedTableOptions& _table_options)
           : BlockBasedTableFactory(_table_options) 
               std::cout << "Using MyBlockBasedTableFactory" << std::endl;
      const char* MyBlockBasedTableFactory::Name() const
          return "MyBlockBasedTableFactory";

      It can be seen that MyBlockBasedTable only inherits BlockBasedTable, and there are no other changes. It's just that when we use MyBlockBasedTable, executing its constructor will print "Using MyBlockBasedTableFactory".

    3. Register MyBlockBasedTable

      In the mysst.cpp file, add the following section:

      #include "topling/side_plugin_factory.h"
      namespace rocksdb
      std::shared_ptr<TableFactory> ThirdSSTExample(const json& js , const SidePluginRepo& repo)
          return std::make_shared<MyBlockBasedTableFactory>(MyBlockBasedTableOptions());
      ROCKSDB_FACTORY_REG("MyBlockBased", ThirdSSTExample);

      Yout can refer to 2-2-3-mysst.cpp for the modified code.

      For convenience here, we always use the default configuration items to construct MyBlockBasedTable . In actual use, you should use the json information saved in js to construct the TableFactory you use, which looks like this:

      std::shared_ptr<TableFactory> ThirdSSTExample(const json& js , const SidePluginRepo& repo)
      	ThirdTableOptions table_options;
          // some code for modifying table_options by json
          return std::make_shared<ThirdTableFactory>(table_options);
      ROCKSDB_FACTORY_REG("MyBlockBased", ThirdSSTExample);
    4. Compile and generate

      Execute the following commands to compile and generate the dynamic library of the custom plug-in MyBlockBasedTable:

      g++ mysst.cpp -I ~/toplingdb -I ~/toplingdb/sideplugin/rockside/src -I ~/toplingdb/sideplugin/topling-zip/src -I ~/toplingdb/sideplugin/topling-zip/boost-include -fPIC -shared -o
    5. Dynamically load

      After setting the environment variable LD_PRELOAD, run our previous executable program sample.out directly:

      LD_PRELOAD=./ ./sample.out

      At this point, MyBlockBasedTable has been registered in ToplingDB, and now you can directly enable MyBlockBasedTable in the configuration item, just like using RocksDB’s built-in PlainTable and CuckooTable before.

      Make the following modifications in the configuration file, changing the built-in type BlockBasedTable to the name "MyBlockBased" registered with the ROCKSDB_FACTORY_REG macro in step 3.

      "TableFactory": {
          "block_based": {
              "class": "MyBlockBased",
              "params": {

      Run sample.out again (don't forget to set LD_PRELOAD!), you can see the prompt message printed by MyBlockBasedTable in the constructor.

HTML display using AnyPlugin

For convenience, this example is directly modified on the basis of sample.cpp, without separately compiling the HTML display plug-in into a dynamic library.

  1. Register AnyPlugin plugin

    In the rocksdb namespace, define the derived class HtmlShowExample of AnyPlugin and modify its ToString function and Name function.

    namespace rocksdb {
    class HtmlShowExample : public AnyPlugin 
        void Update(const json&, const SidePluginRepo&) {}
        std::string ToString(const json& dump_options, const SidePluginRepo&) const 
            return "This is an example of HTML show.";
        const char* Name() const
            return "HtmlShowExample";

    The return value of the ToString function is std::string type, and the returned string string will be printed in the browser without distinction. If the return value is a serialized json object, AnyPlugin can also display the data in the form of a table.

    After defining the derived class HtmlShowExample, still in the rocksdb namespace, use the following macro to register it

    ROCKSDB_REG_DEFAULT_CONS(HtmlShowExample, AnyPlugin);
  2. Start http service

    After loading the configuration file, call the member function StartHttpServer of repo to start the http service. Similar to opening DB, we can also print out the returned rocksdb::Status related information for reference.

    auto http_status = repo.StartHttpServer();
    std::cout << http_status.ToString() << std::endl;

    The modified source program is 3-2-sample.cpp.

  3. Modify the configuration file

    In the outermost layer of the configuration file, add our display plugin information.

        "AnyPlugin": {
            "html-show-example": "HtmlShowExample"
  4. compile and run the project

    Compile the modified sample.cpp using our previous pragma and execute the program.

    The listening port we set in the example configuration file is 8081 , visit, you can see the display information.

    If you are not executing the program locally, change to the access ip of your machine. If the information printed by the program is OK, but the page cannot be opened, please check the firewall settings.

  5. Other information display

    ToplingDB integrates a WebService to display internal information externally, such as the currently configured parameter options, the status of the LSM tree, or the execution of distributed compact, etc. In addition, the monitoring indicators displayed under Statistics can also be imported into Prometheus + Grafana for monitoring.


    If you also use a third-party plug-in, after implementing and registering the corresponding PluginManipFunc template class, you can see the serialization information returned by the ToString member function on the corresponding web page.

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