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- ReactJS | ExpressJS | MongoDB | NodeJS | JWT | Firebase | Axios | Stripe Payment | tan-stack-query | TailwindCSS | daisyUI | react-hook-form | sweetalert2 | react-parallax | react-aos | react-helmet | react-icons | react-awesome-reveal
- Users will be able to Register using name, photo url, email and password.
- Users will be able to Login with email and password.
- Users will be able to Login with Google.
- Users will be able to see profile image and name in a dropdown menu upon hovering over profile picture in the homepage.
- Users will be able to logout by hovering on the profile picture and clicking Logout from dropdown menu.
- Homepage shows popular classes and instructors.
- Homepage images are animated on scroll.
- Homepage also has reviews section.
- There are 3 types of user Dashboard (Admin, Student, and Instructor).
- All routes are private and authorized with JWT token.
- Admin can approve/deny a class.
- Admin can send feedback to a instructor's class.
- Admin can make a Student into a Admin or Instructor.
- Instructor can add a clas.
- Instructor can see all added classes.
- Instructor can update a class.
- Student can add a class.
- Student can make payment with Stripe.
- Student can see payment history.