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CodeMirror REPL

An REPL abstraction layer over the CodeMirror web editor. Create a web based REPL for your programming language easily.


You may see a working demo of the REPL here: JavaScript REPL

To start using CodeMirrorREPL you need to include (at least) the codemirror-repl script and stylesheet in the <head> section of your web page as follows:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="./path/to/codemirror-repl.css"/>
<script src="./path/to/codemirror-repl.js"></script>

Next you create a <textarea> element in the <body> section of your web page and give it an id. You may also set it to autofocus as follows:

<textarea id="repl" autofocus="true"></textarea>

Finally you create the REPL by calling the constructor CodeMirrorREPL. You must pass it the id of the textarea as the first argument. Optionally you may also pass it a mode and a theme as follows (read the CodeMirror user manual for more information):

var repl = new CodeMirrorREPL("repl", {
    mode: "javascript",
    theme: "eclipse"

You may now print messages using the repl.print method. It optionally accepts a CSS class name as the second argument --- used to pretty print text:

repl.print("/* JavaScript REPL  Copyright (C) 2013  Aadit M Shah */");

CodeMirrorREPL automatically buffers input lines and makes them available to the interpreter whenever necessary. By default it will send every single line separately to the interpreter for evaluation.

You must define the method repl.eval to get the buffered input and evaluate it. For example:

repl.eval = function (code) {
    try {
        if (isExpression(code)) {
            geval("__expression__ = " + code);
        } else geval(code);
    } catch (error) {
        repl.print(error, "error");

The above function evaluates JavaScript code in the global scope using the function geval. If the code throws an error the error is printed with the formatting for the CSS class .error.

Sometimes it's necessary to allow the user to enter more than one line of input before evaluation. CodeMirrorREPL determines when to buffer input lines by calling the method repl.isBalanced.

The isBalanced method is called with the buffered input as an argument. If it returns a truthy value the buffered input is sent for evaluation. If it returns null the last buffered input line is discarded.

By default isBalanced will always return true but you may override it as per your requirement. For example the following function checks whether the given JavaScript code is balanced:

repl.isBalanced = function (code) {
    var length = code.length;
    var delimiter = '';
    var brackets = [];
    var matching = {
        ')': '(',
        ']': '[',
        '}': '{'

    for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
        var char = code.charAt(i);

        switch (delimiter) {
        case "'":
        case '"':
        case '/':
            switch (char) {
            case delimiter:
                delimiter = "";
            case "\\":

        case "//":
            if (char === "\n") delimiter = "";
        case "/*":
            if (char === "*" && code.charAt(++i) === "/") delimiter = "";
            switch (char) {
            case "'":
            case '"':
                delimiter = char;
            case "/":
                var lookahead = code.charAt(++i);
                delimiter = char;

                switch (lookahead) {
                case "/":
                case "*":
                    delimiter += lookahead;

            case "(":
            case "[":
            case "{":
            case ")":
            case "]":
            case "}":
                if (!brackets.length || matching[char] !== brackets.pop()) {
                    repl.print(new SyntaxError("Unexpected closing bracket: '" + char + "'"), "error");
                    return null;

    return brackets.length ? false : true;


    An REPL abstraction layer over the CodeMirror web editor.
    Copyright (C) 2013  Aadit M Shah

    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program.  If not, see <>.