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Concordium Schema

Node.js TypeScript library for deserializing Concordium contract schemas.

Fully compatible with concordium-std::schema v2.0.0.

This project has been commissioned by


You can read the latest documentation at


This NPM package is privately published using GitHub Packages.

To install it for use with your NPM project, first associate @transumption package scope with GitHub Packages NPM registry:

$ npm config --userconfig .npmrc set @transumption:registry

Next, authenticate with the NPM registry. You will have to enter your GitHub username, personal access token with repo and read:packages access scopes (get one here), and public email address.

$ npm login --scope=@transumption --registry=
Username: <GitHub username>
Password: <GitHub token>
Email: <GitHub public email address>

And finally, add the NPM package to package.json:

$ npm install --save @transumption/concordium-schema


Here's how you can deserialize a Concordium contract schema module file:

import * as fs from 'fs';
import { deserialModule } from '@transumption/concordium-schema';

const stream = fs.createReadStream('schema.bin');

stream.on('readable', () => {
    const schema = deserialModule(stream);

    // ...


This package's type definitions closely follow the Rust implementation. If you are familiar with concordium_std crate, you will feel right at home :)

Functions starting with deserial accept a Node.js Readable stream as the only parameter, and return a value of the type that comes after deserial (for example, deserialModule returns a Module).

I recommend looking at the documentation if you get stuck!