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Tool: MakeInt.exe

Robert Jordan edited this page Oct 4, 2020 · 3 revisions

Tool: MakeInt.exe

The command line tool makeint is used to create KIF Archive (.int) archive files. It is available in many of the publicly released CatSystem2 toolsets.


CatSystem 2 Integration File creation tool
usage: makeint <outfile> <file> [file] ...

  outfile   output file name (with extension)
  file      file name(s) or folder(s) to pack or 'packlist file'

  files with ".packlist" extension are read as a newline-separated list of file names
  (wildcard is not supported for the listed file names)

  "*.packlist" files are read as a newline-separated list of file names
  (wildcard is not supported for the listed file names)


  • makeint generally requires the file extension to be included when using wildcard paths.
  • makeint may unexpectedly include path slashes in file entry names when using wildcard paths incorrectly.
  • The maximum file entry name length is 63 bytes (31 bytes with older CatSystem2 engines).


Create "" with ".xml" files, "nametable.csv", and "cglist.dat"

makeint ..\master\ "..\system\config\*.xml" "..\system\config\nametable.csv" "..\tool\MakeCGList\cglist.dat"

Create "" with "config.packlist" file

makeint ..\master\ config.packlist


// Comments are supported,
// but empty lines will end reading of the ".packlist" file

See also

External links


  • List locale requirements
  • \ path slashes required?
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