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Category: Tools

Robert Jordan edited this page Oct 3, 2020 · 3 revisions

Category: Tools

Tools for use with CatSystem 1 and CatSystem 2.

🚧 This page is a work in progress

Standard programs

Standard programs included with CatSystem games.

Program Description
cs.exe CatSystem 1 Game engine binary
cs2.exe CatSystem 2 Game engine binary. Often renamed and given icon of game, sometimes changed to .bin extension
Game engine settings. Always an .exe underneath, even though all newer games use .dll extension. "cs2confx" name seen in much newer engine versions
BootMenu.exe Optional launch window. (Un)Install, Launch, Config. Often renamed and given icon of game. Not always same location as "cs2.exe", Requires "boot.dfn"
(Un)Installer programs. Validates registration key, performs decryption for .int.FWP files, and generates "key.dat". Requires "install.dfn" and "uninst.dfn"
emotedriver.dll Cel-shaded character graphics E-Mote! library. If excluded by games not using "E-Mote", "cs2.exe" will not support its' functions. Games using "E-Mote" seem not to support standing character graphics, i.e. cg Tchar,1,5,3
iconv.dll Unknown library seen with CatSystem 2 games only around 2008

Unrelated programs

Miscellaneous programs occasionally included with CatSystem2 games. Usually created by VN developers or official translation teams.

Program Description
Generic Launcher.exe Grisaia (English localization) wrapper. Changes font settings in setup.xml after being generated on first launch (due to bug not respecting "startup.xml" font). Hardcodes name of "cs2.exe" exe to run, and name of font to use in "setup.xml".

Known DRM

DRM Description
SdWrap A wrapper executable that holds "cs2.exe" at an offset past the end of the main exe's sections. Seen in Happiness! Emotion, distributed by FanzaGames. "cs2.exe" will not function normally if removed from SdWrap, however the encryption resources will be accessible
Steam Built into the "cs2.exe" binary, game shows a message box stating Steam is required.

Trivia: Whether a Steam CatSystem 2 game or not, all newer versions of Cs2 contain a "Steam Broadcast" feature in the Debug dropdown menu. First seen in Nekopara Vol.3

Official tools

Official tools for the CatSystem2 engine, made available in many of the publicly released CatSystem2 toolsets.

Tool Type Description
ac.exe CMD Compile ANM Animation (.anm) scripts
mc.exe CMD Compile CST Scene (.cst) scripts
fes.exe CMD Compile FES Screen (.fes) scripts
ztpack.exe CMD Create and extract ZT Package (.zt) files
MakeInt.exe CMD Create KIF Archive (.int) files
MakeCGList.exe CMD Create CG List Table (.dat) files
GUI Create and extract HG‐3 Image (.hg3), HG‐2 Image (.hg2), and other image formats
GUI Sprite viewer for HG‐3 and HG‐3 images. Requires extracting graphics and extensive setup in "StView.ini"
wsd.exe GUI Compile WSS Particle (.kcs) (and other?) scripts, potential for reversing KCS Script format
pcmtag.exe GUI Create PCM TAGs (.tag) for positions in audio files

User-made tools

🚧 (external links until section table is finished)

GARbro (see below) is by far the most user friendly tool for KIF Archive (.int) extraction, and .hg3+.hg2 image extraction / preview.

It's a GUI tool for exploring game asset archives in a similar manor to WinRAR. .hg3+.hg2 images (and all frames) along with plaintext, movies, and audio files can be previewed from within archives, without having to extract them. GARbro also supports CsPack Archive (.dat) extraction, and again, .hg2 images, which existed back during that archive format as well.

See also

External links

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