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Tool: pcmtag.exe

Robert Jordan edited this page Sep 24, 2020 · 1 revision

Tool: pcmtag.exe

The graphical interface tool pcmtag used to create PCM TAGS (.tag) that point towards one or more sample position in an audio file of the same name. It is available in many of the publicly released CatSystem2 toolsets.

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  • The entered path of the audio file must use \ path slashes.
  • The behavior of searching for the input audio file (and outputting the .tag file is confusing.
    • The default directory search is ".\sound\tag", paths relative to the "pcmtag.exe" work too, but it will then attempt to output the tag file at ".\sound\tag<working\relative\path>".
    • Using ".." for parent directories disables this behavior for some reason, and results in the tag file being saved in the same folder as the audio file.
  • Failure to save the tag file will still clear the 'Modified' program flag. Meaning the Save button is disabled until another change is made.

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