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Tripal v3.4

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@spficklin spficklin released this 13 Sep 01:44
· 598 commits to 7.x-3.x since this release

This release contains the following changes

  1. An updated, and now working, USDA Agricultural Library publication importer. Thank you @dsenalik!
  2. Updates to the Tripal documentation. Thank you @laceysanderson and @pgrimaud .
  3. Improvements to the Phylogenetic tree viewer. Thank you @noahcaldwell7 and @almasaeed2010
  4. Fixes to the Taxonomy Importer that avoids errors with NCBI timeouts. Thank you @par12005
  5. Updates to the Chado installation to fix problems with upgrades. Thank you @Ferrisx4
  6. Fix to the protein sequence field for finding finding proteins associated via the 'part_of' or 'derives_from' relationship. Thanks @Ferrisx4
  7. Lots of typo corretions. Thanks @dsenalik