A program for encrypting files with a 128-bit public key using the Tiny Encryption Algorithm (TEA). This program is intended for Kolibri OS.
To compile under Kolibri OS, use TCC.
tcc teatool.c -o teatool -lck
Compiling for Windows using "Tiny C Compiler":
tcc teatool.c -o teatool
To compile under Linux, use "make".
English version:
Russian version:
make rus
Installation / Uninstallation for Linux
make install
make uninstall
Installation package for ArchLinux(AUR):
yay -S teatool-git
Encrypting the "in.file" file with the "FFAB1100C176001F1ADDB8E792001EA5" key in normal mode:
teatool in.file out.file -k FFAB1100C176001F1ADDB8E792001EA5 -e normal
Encrypting the "in.file" file with the key-file "my.key" in speed mode:
teatool in.file out.file -K my.key -e speed
Writing the "FFAB1100C176001F1ADDB8E792001EA5" key to the key-file "my.key"
teatool -r FFAB1100C176001F1ADDB8E792001EA5 my