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Pulumi Examples in Typescript, Python, and Go across AWS, Azure, and GCP


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Pulumi Examples - Infrastructure as Code




This repository contains Pulumi examples for AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud Platform. The examples are in TypeScript, python, and go.

Examples are in different languages & different clouds

ts = typescript, py = python, go = go

Prerequisite - How to Get Started with Pulumi - skip if you have already done this


AWS 1. Getting Started with AWS Start with 1 cloud only. Then when you need to, configure the next cloud.
AWS 2. Configure your AWS account Start with 1 cloud only. Then when you need to, configure the next cloud.
AZURE 1. Getting Started with AZURE Start with 1 cloud only. Then when you need to, configure the next cloud.
AZURE 2. Configure your Azure account Start with 1 cloud only. Then when you need to, configure the next cloud.
GOOGLE 1.Getting Started with GOOGLE Start with 1 cloud only. Then when you need to, configure the next cloud.
GOOGLE 2.Configure your Google account Start with 1 cloud only. Then when you need to, configure the next cloud.

[![PULUMI AccessToken]How to set up your ACCESS TOKEN** - Only need to do this once, no need to do it for each cloud.

  1. Navigate to Profile Settings by selecting your avatar, then Settings.
  2. Click on Access Tokens on the left side.
  3. Create a new AccessToken. Copy the AccessToken to your clipboard to use in the next step. Enter your AccessToken on the next step after
  4. On your cli: pulumi login


Example Description Cloud & Language
aws-classic-ts-vpc-with-ecs-fargate-py vpc built-in TypeScript - independent from ecs, ecs uses vpc via stackreferences AWS PYTHON AWS TYPESCRIPT
aws-classic-ts-sshkey ssh key AWS TYPESCRIPT
aws-classic-ts-vpc-crosswalk vpc built-in TypeScript via crosswalk AWS TYPESCRIPT
aws-classic-ts-acm-awsguard tls private key, aws self signed certificate and acm created. Running awsguard. Calling pulumi-policy-aws AWS TYPESCRIPT
aws-classic-ts-launchtemplate ec2 via launchtemplate. also has vpc, securitygroup, & ssh keypair. Addd tags.ts for tags. Calls then AWS TYPESCRIPT
aws-classic-ts-vpc-ecs-autoscaling-lt vpc, ecs, autoscaling groups, and launchtemplate in TypeScript. This creates a new vpc AWS TYPESCRIPT
aws-ts-existingvpc-ecs-autoscaling-lt existing vpc, ecs, autoscaling groups, and launchtemplate in TypeScript. Calls then creates a new vpc AWS TYPESCRIPT
aws-classic-ts-ecs-awsx uses an existing vpc, creates ecs via awsx, loadbalancer via aws. no targetgroup or targetlistener created. next stack is aws-classic-ts-get-ecs AWS TYPESCRIPT
aws-classic-ts-get-ecs uses an existing vpc, calls the existing ecs created via aws-classic-ts-ecs-awsx AWS TYPESCRIPT
aws-classic-ts-eks eks cluster with namespace AWS TYPESCRIPT
aws-classic-ts-eks-spot-mg eks cluster with spot managednode instance with vpc via awsx AWS TYPESCRIPT
aws-classic-ts-eks-awsx-spot eks cluster with no managed nodes, spot nodegroup, and interface nginx with provider with vpc via awsx AWS TYPESCRIPT
aws-classic-ts-lakeformation aws lakeformation permissions AWS TYPESCRIPT
aws-classic-ts-eks-different-awsprofile aws eks cluster with awsx vpc with different aws config profile, not using default AWS TYPESCRIPT
aws-classic-ts-eks-nodetaint aws eks cluster with awsx vpc with no managednodegroup, one fixed nodegroup, and on spot nodegroup. The spot nodegroup has taints. AWS TYPESCRIPT
aws-classic-ts-eks-node-alltaints aws eks cluster with awsx vpc with no managednodegroup, fixed & spot nodegroup both have taints. AWS TYPESCRIPT
aws-classic-ts-ebs-volume-snapshot aws ebs volume with multiple snapshots. then used, for loop used, and protect AWS TYPESCRIPT
aws-classic-ts-ec2-instance-with-ebs-volume aws vpc with awsx package, ec2 instance with encrypted storage and 2 ebs volumes added that are encrypted. Call then on getAmi and on the subnet ID to use. Also call interpolate AWS TYPESCRIPT
aws-classic-ts-vpc-quickstart aws vpc with aws quickstart vpc AWS TYPESCRIPT
aws-classic-ts-eks-vpc-sg-default-rules aws vpc with EKS with no security group rule passed in aws quickstart vpc AWS TYPESCRIPT
aws-classic-ts-vpc-peeringconnectionoption 2 vpcs in SAME regions connecting them via vpcpeeringconnection AWS TYPESCRIPT
aws-classic-ts-vpc-peeringconnectionoption 2 vpcs in different regions via providers and then connecting them via vpcpeeringconnection cross account AWS TYPESCRIPT
aws-classic-ts-vpc-natgatway-strategy awsx multilang vpc with single nat gateway strategy AWS TYPESCRIPT
aws-classic-ts-vpc-get-zones-awsx awsx multilang vpc with single nat gateway strategy, availability zones, public and private subnets, NO APPLY AWS TYPESCRIPT
aws-classic-ts-securitygroup-vs-securitygrouprules multilang vpc with single nat gateway strategy, availability zones, public and private subnets, securitygroup vs securitygroup rules. Also call self on securitygroup AWS TYPESCRIPT
aws-classic-ts-vpc-rds-postgres multilang vpc with single nat gateway strategy, availability zones, public and private subnets, rds, & programtically creating secrets. AWS TYPESCRIPT
aws-py-ecs-fargate Deploys your own ECS Fargate cluster with tags and uses the vpc via stackreferences AWS PYTHON
aws-classic-py-s3-staticwebsite Deploy you own static site in s3 AWS PYTHON
aws-classic-py-apigateway-lambda-serverless API Gateway with lambda. swagger and openapi apigateways. Using the triggers option. added multiple paths AWS PYTHON
aws-classic-py-dynamodb dynamodb table AWS PYTHON
aws-classic-py-vpc creates aws vpc, subnet, igw, nat-gateway(1-3), & route tables all in python. no awsx package AWS PYTHON
aws-classic-py-eks-spot-mg eks cluster with spot managednode instance. Creates own vpc based on aws-classic-py-vpc that is in AWS PYTHON
aws-classic-py-aws-load-balancer-controller-helm-release eks cluster with spot managednode instance. Creates own vpc based on aws-classic-py-vpc that is in Installs aws-load-balancer-controller as helm release. Also pass in the cluster as a provider AWS PYTHON
aws-classic-py-eks aws eks cluster with namespace AWS PYTHON
aws-classic-py-eks-spot-nodegroups aws eks cluster with no managednode group and fixed and spot nodegroups AWS PYTHON
aws-classic-py-beanstalk aws beanstalk application AWS PYTHON
aws-classic-py-get-ami aws get ami AWS PYTHON
aws-classic-py-get-regions aws get regions AWS PYTHON
aws-classic-py-vpc-quickstart aws vpc with aws quickstart vpc AWS PYTHON
aws-classic-py-vpc-msk-kafka-client awsx vpc with kinesis firehose, individual az via apply, msk kafka cluster AWS PYTHON
aws-classic-py-vpc-msk-kafka-client-part2 awsx vpc keypair, ami, ec2 instance as a client AWS PYTHON
aws-classic-py-multiple-ec2-ebs multilanguage awsx vpc keypair, ami, multiple ec2s with ebs block, with apply AWS PYTHON
aws-classic-py-vpc-awsx-natgateway-strategy multilanguage awsx vpc vpc, natgateway single zone strategy, igw, public and private subnets AWS PYTHON
aws-classic-py-vpc-awsx-natgateway-strategy awsx vpc multilang vpc with single nat gateway strategy, availability zones, public and private subnets, NO APPLY AWS PYTHON
aws-classic-py-securitygroup-vs-securitygrouprules awsx vpc multilang vpc with single nat gateway strategy, availability zones, public and private subnets, securitygroups vs securitygroup rules AWS PYTHON


Example Description Cloud & Language
azure-classic-py-insights azure classic resource group, workspace & insights. azure native resource group & workspace mixed with azure classic insights AZURE PYTHON
azure-py-insights azure native resource group, workspace & azure classic insights. azure native resource group & workspace mixed with azure classic insights AZURE PYTHON
azure-py-vnet azure virtual network with 2 subnets. AZURE PYTHON
azure-py-databricks azure databricks. Also retrieving subscription ID and using Output.concat AZURE PYTHON
azure-py-subscriptionid-from-resourcegroup azure resource group creating and retrieving subscriptionId AZURE PYTHON
azure-py-rg-storageaccounts azure resource group and storage account with secret outputs AZURE PYTHON
azure-py-aks azure resource group, azuread service principal pinned to 4.3.0, aks, and outputs with secret outputs AZURE PYTHON
azure-py-aks-diagnosticsetting azure resource group, azuread service principal pinned to 4.3.0, aks, and diagnostic settings and outputs with secret outputs AZURE PYTHON
azure-py-redis azure resource group, storage account, redis cache, apply, call the listrediskeys function AZURE PYTHON
azure-py-keyvault-appserviceplan-webservice azure resource group, appserviceplan, webapp,keyvault, tenant ID, subscription ID, object ID, replaced VaultPropertiesResponseArgs with VaultPropertiesArgs AZURE PYTHON
azure-py-storage-account-networkrulesetresponseargs azure resource group, storage account, replaced NetworkRuleSetResponseArgs with NetworkRuleSetArgs AZURE PYTHON
azure-ts-sqlserver-loganalytics SQL Server database with SQL auditing at the database level sent to log analytics in TypeScript AZURE typescript
azure-ts-keyvault create and destroy azure keyvault in TypeScript AZURE typescript
azure-ts-consumption-budget azure consumption budget and switching languages from German to English AZURE typescript
azure-classic-ts-datalakegen2 azure native resource group, storage account, azure classic datalakegen2 path and datalakegen2 filesystem AZURE typescript AZURE CLASSIC TYPESCRIPT
azure-ts-iac-workshop-lab1 azure workshop lab 1, creates resourceg group, storage account, and blob container. Code works independently, does not require workshop AZURE typescript
azure-ts-serverless-http-trigger azure workshop lab 2, azure serverless http trigger function workshop code. Code works independently, does not require workshop AZURE typescript
azure-ts-resourcegroup-fixname azure resource group fixed names AZURE typescript
azure-ts-subscriptionid-from-resourcegroup azure resource group creating and retrieving subscriptionId AZURE typescript
azure-ts-jenkins jenkins deployed on azure function with docker image in ts AZURE typescript
azure-ts-sqlserver-servervulnerabilityassessment azure sql server with vulnerability assessment requires that Azure Defender for SQL Server turned on at subscription level. Due to Azure Consistency issues, we have to uncomment out code and the run pulumi up a couple of minutes after the sql database has been created AZURE typescript
azure-ts-sqlserver azure sql server with firewall rule that toggles Allow Azure services from No to Yes AZURE typescript
azure-ts-synapse-workspace azure datalakestore with synapse sqlpool AZURE typescript
azure-ts-synapse-bigdatapool azure synapse workspace with synapse bigdatapool AZURE typescript
azure-ts-serverless-www-HTML azure static site with StorageAccountStaticWebsite AZURE typescript
azure-ts-managedinstance azure resource group, vnet, subnet1/2 with delegation created. Code for managedinstance is there, do NOT use it when standing up intital stack. Main reason, is that managedinstance takes 3+ hours to stand up. Create managedinstance in azure portal and then import it. AZURE typescript
azure-ts-datafactory azure datafactory with identity set to SystemAssigned AZURE typescript
azure-ts-aks-managed-profile azure aks with aadprofile input enableAzureRBAC toggled AZURE typescript
azure-classic-ts-datafactory azure classic datafactory with identity set to SystemAssigned AZURE CLASSIC TYPESCRIPT
azure-go-aks-diagnosticsetting azure resource group, azuread service principal pinned to 4.3.0, aks, and diagnostic settings and outputs with secret outputs AZURE GO
azure-go-resourcegroup azure resource group and storage account AZURE GO
azure-go-subscriptionid-from-resourcegroup azure resource group creating and retrieving subscriptionId AZURE GO
azure-go-sqlserver-loganalytics sql server database with sql auditing at the database level sent to log analytics in go. Busted due to typo AZURE GO
azure-go-sqlserver-servervulnerabilityassessment azure sql server with vulnerability assessment requires that Azure Defender for SQL Server turned on at subscription level. Due to Azure Consistency issues, we have to uncomment out code and the run pulumi up a couple of minutes after the sql database has been created. AZURE GO


Example Description Cloud & Language
google-native-py-network-postgres-function google cloud native - storage bucket & vpc & postgres GOOGLE PYTHON
google-native-py-bigquerydatatransfer google cloud native - storage bucket, google classic - bigquery and service account and data transfer config GOOGLE PYTHON


Example Description Cloud & Language
datadog-py-monitorjson datadog monitorjson DATADOG PYTHON


Example Description Cloud & Language
pulumi-ts-map-string-string pulumi with no cloud. output Map<string,string> is empty while console.log shows the value DATADOG PYTHON


Example Description Cloud & Language
azure-workshop-ts azure serverless http trigger function workshop in TypeScript AZURE typescript


Pulumi GitHub Actions Setup (Optional)

We have setup Pulumi GitHub Actions.

  1. Located in .github/workflows

  2. Pull WorkFlow Files for Python with comments by GitHub actions

  3. Pull WorkFlow Files for TypeScript with comments by GitHub actions

  4. Pull WorkFlow Files for Go with comments by GitHub actions

  5. SuperLinter setup

    • super-linter setup
    • superlinter.yml - .github/workflows/superlinter.yml
    • slim image
  6. AWS SSO login in for GitHub Actions

  7. Removed from githubactions pipeline due to service principal issues even though preview and up work via cli

    • azure-ts-keyvault, azure-classic-ts-datalakegen2, azure-classic-ts-datafactory
    • azure-py-insights, azure-classic-py-insights, azure-py-aks-diagnosticsetting




Pulumi Examples in Typescript, Python, and Go across AWS, Azure, and GCP








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