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Marius edited this page Sep 1, 2014 · 5 revisions

How to Use

After installation go to Catalog->Rule Products.
You will see an usual backend grid.
You will later see in this grid the rules you create.
If you click on the Add rule product button you will see an usual Magento add/edit form with 4 tabs.

  • Products Rule Information Products Rule Information In this tab you must enter a rule title. It will be shown on frontend.
    The description is optional and it supports a WYSIWYG editor. If the description is filled in it will be shown on frontnd.
    The image is also optional. If you upload an image it will be shown on frontend in its real size.
    If you want to resize it you need to fill in the Image resize X and/or Image resize Y fields. You can specify if the rule should be included in the main menu on frontend and you can specify its position.
    All rules that are added to the menu will be added after the main categories.
    If you have too many rules you can group them in a single menu item and the rule page links will be shown as submenu items. For more details see the Configuration page. You can fill in an url key for the rule page. If you leave it empty it will be autogenerated from the title.

  • Display Settings Display settings
    From this tab you can configure the available sort options and the default sort option. In a similar way you can do for a catalog category.

  • Meta Meta
    In this tab you can fill in the meta information for the rule page. If the meta title is empty the title will be used on frontend.

  • Conditions Conditions
    In this tab you can set the conditions for the products to be listed in the rule page.
    It works in a similar way as the catalog rules work.

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