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Performance Brainstorm

sam1rm edited this page Aug 8, 2015 · 2 revisions

Action Items

  • Figure out listener for when all the components have been rendered for a particular view
  • Learn how to render all the templates at once

Performance Best Practices

decrease time user is idle

Client Side
  • Eliminate all unused code & dependencies
  • ng-ifs vs ng-hide vs ng-show vs
  • Avoiding uneccessary listeners
Server Side
limiting the file size from server
  • Limit the total number # of files being served
    • Less GET requests, less lag
    • files by combining them.
  • Gzip & Compress files
  • Use third party CDN service
Auto Update Step-by-Step Process
  1. Check if server has new update - GET
  2. Clear the cache
  3. Turn on the splash screen (doesn't work on all platforms)
  4. Window.replace("/production/app/")
    • This replaces the entire "remote/" app with a new updated one
    • Mainly two new files --> app.js, app_version.css, index.html
  5. [SLOW] App.js references hella files from the server, so they area all re-loaded again GETx 60
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