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mjarek66 edited this page Mar 10, 2016 · 8 revisions

This Wiki page is a part of piLINCS quick help. This page deals with downloading data (proteomic LINCS profiles available through piLINCS). Just follow the steps below.

Note that the links above (and in the home tab of piLINCS) allow one to download files that contain original QC+NORM level normalization data from Panorama in GCT format. These profiles can also be downloaded in several alternative ways, e.g., with replicates collapsed into averaged profiles or P100 and GCP profiles merged.

Note also that LINCS data generation effort is on-going. piLINCS is being updated as new data are being added to Panorama. Therefore, the most recent version of the entire data set available through piLINCS changes when new data sets (plates) are being added to Panorama by the Broad DSGC.

  • Alternative STEP 1: go to Export tab and use the Export button in conjunction with n-tuple filters