Locating mobile nodes using tower ids which translate to lat-long
using Google’s MyLocation API (with Facebook Connect)
Directroy Structure/Flow:
mobileproject - Contains code for mobile phone
README - Installation steps for phone
old_Files - SOme initial code/info
Developement - Contains some initial prototypes and other useful information that
may help to understand the system better.
Diagram - The picture describes the working of system at higher level.
socialmaps - The Actual code that will run on server.
old_files - Some initial Code/info
You need to change the following entries with your own values in order to make it work like a complete system. A simple grep may suffice.
<> - grep recursively and replace with your domain name(including <>s) - grep recursively and replace with your email id.
define('username', '<db_user>'); - grep and replace db_user with your database user name.
define('password', '<db_passwd>') - grep and replace db_passwd with your database user password.
<app_id> - Replace with your own App Id.
<client_Token> - Replace with correct Client Token.
Google Location API (LBS without GPS based on GSM Location),PHP, Python, Symbian S60,
Google Maps APIv3 with Facebook Connect