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natanieljr edited this page Jul 31, 2018 · 6 revisions


You can run DroidMate (via the Main in the API module or the runnable jar) without any parameters. By default it will read the apks from a local apks folder and attempt to explore them. However, you most likely want to configure some behavior, such as number of actions, maximum exploration time, input and output location.

DroidMate supports configuration as command line arguments, from a configuration file or both.

The priority of the arguments is: command line overrides custom configuration file which in turn override default configuration, that is, if a custom configuration file overrides a parameter from the default configuration, this parameter can still be overwritten by the command line configuration.

In the following example, the configuration file /some/dir/myConfig.config overrides values from DroidMate's default configuration and the command line arguments --Output-outputDir and --Selectors-actionLimit override both.

java -jar DM-2.jar --Output-outputDir=/some/dir/out --Selectors-actionLimit=200 --Core-configPath=/some/dir/myConfig.config

All possible configuration parameters are listed in the default configuration file in the core module.

Importing as a dependency

An example app using Droidmate as a dependency is located in the repo/droidmate_usage_examples

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