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Setting up Intellij

nataniel.borges edited this page Jul 31, 2018 · 3 revisions

DroidMate is developed with IntelliJ IDEA using the directory-based project format (.idea directory). To work with DroidMate, IntelliJ has to be configured with all the dependencies used for daily building (e.g. JDK) plus it has to have the following:

  • Gradle plugin.
  • Android Support plugin.
  • Kotlin plugin.

In addition, the IDE build/run actions should be delegated to gradle in the Build. Execution, Deployment -> Gradle -> Runner menu.

Some IntelliJ versions require also the option Configure on demand from Gradle-Android-Compiler to be disabled.

After opening Intellij, import DroidMate as a Gradle project and run Refresh all Gradle projects from the Gradle plugin toolbar.

After this initial configuration you should be able to Build -> Make Project and run the it.