This Kendryte K210 processor is located on the Sipeed K210 Dock board. General specs of the processor is as follows:
- Kendryte K210 dual core 64-bit RISC-V processor
- KPU Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) hardware accelerator
- APU audio hardware accelerator
- 6MiB of on-chip general-purpose SRAM memory and 2MiB of on-chip AI SRAM memory
- AXI ROM to load user program from SPI flash
For instructions on how to deploy the project:
After following the instructions, to build the code, you need to change "hello_world" to the "k210-hello_world_pwm":
cmake .. -DPROJ=k210-hello_world_pwm -DTOOLCHAIN=D:/kendryte-toolchain/bin -G "Unix Makefiles" && make
The short PWM code is based on this example:
This program, with the RGB LED on the K210 board fades in the blue, fades out the green, fades in the green, fades out the blue, and this process repeats.