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Antigua & Barbuda

Justine Anne Latoza edited this page Nov 18, 2018 · 2 revisions

View ANTIGUA & BARBUDA on Wikipedia

Table of Contents

Relevant Contact Info

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Office of the Prime Minister

Local Telephone:
(268) 462-4610
International Telephone:
(268) 562-1868

Legal Process for Selling Land

When first taking the decision to buy a property in Antigua, it is also worthwhile understanding the costs of selling the property, if you decide to do so at some point in the future. Generally the costs are as follows:

Stamp duty and government transfer fees 7.5% Real estate agents fees 5-7%

This would mean for a property value of $300,000 the cost of selling the property in Antigua is between US$40,500 and US$46,500 if you use a real estate agent to market and sell your property.



Communication history


St. John's, Antigua

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