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C5 is a simple, scalable, open source distributed database that is compatible with the HBase client API. Your code that talks to HTable and/or HBaseAdmin can talk to the C5 client too.

Like HBase, C5 is a BigTable-flavoured ACID database. Internally, C5 uses the same HFile format that HBase uses for storing data.

Building and running

To build this project, simply

mvn install

(optionally followed with -DskipTests=true) to build the C5 daemons and client libraries (and optionally skip the tests).

To start the C5 server in single-node mode,

cd c5db/

after building the project. One can think of the run_test_server script as an example of how to start the server.

-D options of C5 include

  • regionServerPort=<port #>
  • webServerPort=<port #>
  • clusterName=<The name of the cluster>
  • org.slf4j.simpleLogger.defaultLogLevel=<log level>
  •<log level>

These options apply when running the server's main class, c5db.Main, as the run_test_server script illustrates.


Examples of how to access the server can be found in the tests in project module c5-end-to-end-tests. In addition, a web status console will start on port 31337. Information about the cluster while it's running can be found there: just navigate to http://localhost:31337 in your browser.

Replication/consensus API

C5 makes use of an implementation of the Raft consensus protocol to replicate its write-ahead log; this implementation may also be used independently of C5 to replicate arbitrary data. For the API, see the project module c5-api. Also see modules c5db-replicator and c5db-olog for the Raft implementation itself. Example usage may be found in the tests in project module c5-general-replication.

Log-reading utility

Also provided is a standalone utility for reading the logs generated by C5's Raft; the code for this utility is in module c5db-cat-olog, and it may be run from the command line as:

c5db-cat-olog/bin/ <log file name>


On Mac OSX:

export JAVA_HOME=`/usr/libexec/java_home -v 1.8`

More documentation

For more information about C5's code and package structure, please see the files in project module c5db, located in each package within that module. In addition, see the file in the c5db-replicator module in package c5db.replication; and in the c5db-olog module in package c5db.log, respectively.

C5 is hosted on GitHub at


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