C5 is a simple, scalable, open source distributed database that is compatible with the HBase client API. Your code that talks to HTable and/or HBaseAdmin can talk to the C5 client too.
Like HBase, C5 is a BigTable-flavoured ACID database. Internally, C5 uses the same HFile format that HBase uses for storing data.
To build this project, simply
mvn install
(optionally followed with -DskipTests=true
) to build the C5 daemons and client libraries (and optionally skip the tests).
To start the C5 server in single-node mode,
cd c5db/
after building the project. One can think of the run_test_server script as an example of how to start the server.
-D options of C5 include
regionServerPort=<port #>
webServerPort=<port #>
clusterName=<The name of the cluster>
org.slf4j.simpleLogger.defaultLogLevel=<log level>
org.slf4j.simpleLogger.log.org.eclipse.jetty=<log level>
These options apply when running the server's main class, c5db.Main, as the run_test_server script illustrates.
Examples of how to access the server can be found in the tests in project module c5-end-to-end-tests. In addition, a web status console will start on port 31337. Information about the cluster while it's running can be found there: just navigate to http://localhost:31337 in your browser.
C5 makes use of an implementation of the Raft consensus protocol to replicate its write-ahead log; this implementation may also be used independently of C5 to replicate arbitrary data. See https://github.com/cloud-software-foundation/c5-replicator.
On Mac OSX:
export JAVA_HOME=`/usr/libexec/java_home -v 1.8`
You can talk to us at https://gitter.im/cloud-software-foundation/c5
For more information about C5's code and package structure, please see the package-info.java files in project module c5db, located in each package within that module.
C5 is hosted on GitHub at https://github.com/cloud-software-foundation/c5.