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Elixir Mode

Provides font-locking, indentation and navigation support for the Elixir programming language.


Via package.el

package.el is the built-in package manager in Emacs.

elixir-mode is available on the two major community maintained repositories - MELPA STABLE and MELPA.

You can install elixir-mode with the following command:

M-x package-install [RET] elixir-mode [RET]

or by adding this bit of Emacs Lisp code to your Emacs initialization file (.emacs or init.el):

(unless (package-installed-p 'elixir-mode)
  (package-install 'elixir-mode))

If the installation doesn't work try refreshing the package list:

M-x package-refresh-contents [RET]

Keep in mind that MELPA packages are built automatically from the master branch, meaning bugs might creep in there from time to time. Never-the-less, installing from MELPA is the recommended way of obtaining Elixir-Mode, as the master branch is normally quite stable and "stable" (tagged) builds are released somewhat infrequently.

With the most recent builds of Emacs, you can pin Elixir-Mode to always use MELPA Stable by adding this to your Emacs initialization:

(add-to-list 'package-pinned-packages '(elixir-mode . "melpa-stable") t)

Via el-get

el-get is another popular package manager for Emacs. If you're an el-get user just do M-x el-get-install [RET] elixir-mode [RET].


You can install Elixir-Mode manually by placing Elixir-Mode on your load-path and require ing it. Many people favour the folder ~/.emacs.d/vendor.

(add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/vendor")
(require 'elixir-mode)


Interactive Commands

Command (For the M-x prompt.) Description
elixir-mode Switches to elixir-mode.
elixir-mode-compile-file Compile Elixir files. Works fine on *.exs files, too, if needed.
elixir-cos-mode Applies compile-on-save minor mode.
elixir-mode-iex Launch iex inside Emacs. Use C-u univesal-argument to run iex with some additional arguments.
elixir-mode-eval-on-region Evaluates the Elixir code on the marked region. This is bound to C-c ,r while in elixir-mode.
elixir-mode-eval-on-current-line Evaluates the Elixir code on the current line. This is bound to C-c ,c while in elixir-mode.
elixir-mode-eval-on-current-buffer Evaluates the Elixir code in the current buffer. This is bound to C-c ,b while in elixir-mode.
elixir-mode-string-to-quoted-on-region Get the representation of the expression on the marked region. This is bound to C-c ,a while in elixir-mode.
elixir-mode-string-to-quoted-on-current-line Get the representation of the expression on the current line. This is bound to C-c ,l while in elixir-mode.
elixir-mode-opengithub Open the GitHub page for Elixir.
elixir-mode-open-elixir-home Go to Elixir README in the browser.
elixir-mode-open-docs-master Open the Elixir documentation for the master.
elixir-mode-open-docs-stable Open the Elixir documentation for the latest stable release.
elixir-mode-show-version Print version info for elixir-mode.


Any file that matches the glob *.ex[s] or *.elixir is automatically opened in elixir-mode, but you can change this functionality easily.

;; Highlights *.elixir2 as well
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.elixir2\\'" . elixir-mode))

Custom variables for elixir-mode.

Variable Default Description
elixir-compiler-command (string) "elixirc" Command to compile Elixir code.
elixir-iex-command (string) "iex" Command to start an interactive REPL in IEX.
elixir-mode-cygwin-paths (boolean) t Should Cygwin paths be used on Windows?
elixir-mode-cygwin-prefix (string) "/cygdrive/C" The prefix for Cygwin-style paths.


Hooks can be used to add functionality to elixir-mode. This example adds compile on save.

(defun elixir-mode-compile-on-save ()
  "Elixir mode compile files on save."
	(and (file-exists (buffer-file-name))
	     (file-exists (elixir-mode-compiled-file-name))
			 (elixir-cos-mode t)))
(add-hook 'elixir-mode-hook 'elixir-mode-compile-on-save)


Keymaps can be added to the elixir-mode-map variable.


If you want to use ruby-end-mode for a more comfortable editing experience, you can add the following to your elixir-mode-hook:

(add-to-list 'elixir-mode-hook
             (defun auto-activate-ruby-end-mode-for-elixir-mode ()
               (set (make-variable-buffer-local 'ruby-end-expand-keywords-before-re)
               (set (make-variable-buffer-local 'ruby-end-check-statement-modifiers) nil)
               (ruby-end-mode +1)))

Also, if you use smartparens you can piggyback on some of its functionality for dealing with Ruby's do .. end blocks. A sample configuration would be:

(sp-with-modes '(elixir-mode)
  (sp-local-pair "fn" "end"
		 :when '(("SPC" "RET"))
		 :actions '(insert navigate))
  (sp-local-pair "do" "end"
		 :when '(("SPC" "RET"))
		 :post-handlers '(sp-ruby-def-post-handler)
		 :actions '(insert navigate)))

Elixir Tooling Integration

If you looking for elixir tooling integration for Emacs, check: alchemist.el

You can use web-mode.el to edit elixir templates (eex files).


This mode is based on the Emacs mode by secondplanet.


Please read for guidelines on how to contribute to this project.


Emacs major mode for Elixir






No packages published


  • Emacs Lisp 92.2%
  • Ruby 4.4%
  • Python 3.4%