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3.0.0.beta3 — Pre-release

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@haijian-vaadin haijian-vaadin released this 20 Feb 13:49

Vaadin Flow 3.0.0.beta3 is a pre-release of Vaadin Flow 3.0.0

The major new feature in the Flow 3.x series is support for TypeScript views, and a new way to bootstrap the app based on index.html and index.ts files, without creating a server-side UI instance. The new way of bootstrapping required a breaking change to the bootstrapping APIs, whereas the support for TypeScript is compatible with the Flow 2.x series. The 3.x series has also removed a number of APIs deprecated in Flow 2.x.

New features in 3.0.0.beta3:

  • Node and npm download and installation (#7571)

Breaking changes in 3.0.0.beta3:

  • Renaming property vaadin.connect.prefix->vaadin.endpoint.prefix (#7606)

Bug fixes in 3.0.0.beta3:

  • Custom URL mapping breaks endpoint requests (#7606)
  • Changes to tsconfig.json get reverted (#7532)
  • Delete node_modules if it's structure doesn't match the current tool (#7528)

Other changes in 3.0.0.beta3

  • Remove @polymer/polymer from default dependencies (#6436)

See complete list of changes in 3.0.0.beta3