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Monitoring Live Chat

Vahid Hedayati edited this page Nov 3, 2015 · 1 revision

###3.0.5: As of 3.0.5 and it may have issues under 1.26 on grails 2, you can watch and join live chats through this call:

<chat:monitorliveChat user="test" roomName="admin"/>

In 3.0.4 New LiveChatRooms in admin cog option

As part of 1.25 3.0.4 release under the main chat window when an admin user logs into chat, they should see a cog above the chat room. In the cog you will see live chat rooms. Clicking this will show if there are any active live chat request with X or Tick to show if a member of staff/admin is already in that room.

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