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live chat config options

Vahid Hedayati edited this page Nov 3, 2015 · 1 revision

Chat Bot in main chat rooms:


LiveChat configuration options

wschat.liveChatAssistant='assistant' // the chat client assistant name.. so if userx requests chat .. userx_assistant = this what this is . 
wschat.liveChatPerm='admin'  // this is the group of users that livechat belongs to and if those uses have an email address in profile they will also be emailed

* These 3 fields config items are useful for me
* as developer who fires up new apps to test.
* I can set a default hardcoded admin user to 
* auto email with live chat request
* Not recommended for your use simply because
* if defaultperm is set to anything than admin 
* this process will likely fail when hardcoded admin
* attempts to join the actual live chat
* -----------------------------------------------------------------
* Remember when this hard coded joins the first chat room
* they will also be added to the ChatUserDB as part of their login
* So its best just to configure your BootStrap to add admin members
* and assign them with an email from when your app starts up.
//wschat.liveContactEmail='' // this is the hard coded live chat email 
//wschat.liveChatUsername='masterv'  // this is the nickname upon them joining a live request
//wschat.liveContactName='Mr V'  // this is the person that email title is set to

wschat.emailFrom=""  //this is for sending emails
wschat.store_live_messages=true  // store records of offline messaging
wschat.enable_AI=true  // enable Aritificial Intelligence ? refer to ChatAI.groovy for example and understanding
wschat.liveChatTitle="My Live chat"

With this all set - upon someone clicking live chat on the page with that taglib call an email is sent, follow the email link to join that user in the chat room to help them. Watch part 7 of the videos above to understand better.

As described in video 8, the customerChatButton is far from secure, for a more secure method build your own button, like this:

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