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osub is a command line tool for downloading subtitles from OpenSubtitles.

$ osub auth login username password
The authentication token has been successfully generated.
$ osub --file Aliens.mp4 --languages en

Printing 1 page of 1 for 4 subtitles.

169957   Aliens.1986.Spec...  English   2 October 2010   88136      169952      
171816   Aliens.1986.Spec...  English   30 October 2010  57706      171510      
4872906  Aliens.Vs.Predat...  English   2 March 2008     31408      4749878     
178825   Alien[1986]Speci...  English   2 February 2014  3956       177188      
$ osub download --file-id 169957
The subtitles have been successfully downloaded to /Users/vanyauhalin/Downloads/

Feel free to open an issue, create a pull request, or contact me via email or Telegram if you encounter any issues, have any questions, or wish to request a feature. I'll be happy to develop osub with you for us.



At the moment, osub is only available for macOS users. However, there are plans to add support for both Windows and Linux, thus making osub cross-platform.

Using Homebrew

$ brew tap vanyauhalin/osub
$ brew install osub

Using a release binary

Download the latest release binary and unzip it.

Build from sources

osub is built on the OpenSubtitles REST API, so you will need to obtain an API key before starting the build. You can learn more about how to obtain the API key in the official documentation.

To build, you need the following tools with minimum versions:

Once you have everything installed, download the source code or clone the Git repository. Then, in the root directory, execute the following command:

$ make build API_KEY=<api-key>

The build result will be in the .build directory.


Manage configuration

osub can run without configuration, so if you wish, you can skip to the next section.

Configuration locations

To determine the working locations, osub first accesses the environment variables. In case the environment variables are not set, it then checks the system settings.

So, the configuration location is defined as follows:

Base path Additional path
Application support directory for the current user me.vanyauhalin.osub/
The home directory for the current user .config/osub/

The state location:

Base path Additional path
The home directory for the current user .local/state/osub/

The downloads location:

Base path Additional path
The downloads for the current user
The home directory for the current user Downloads/

To find out which locations are currently in use, refer to the osub config locations command.

Configuration file its values

The configuration values can be manipulated using the osub config get and osub config set commands. But at the same time, osub supports loading a configuration file in the TOML format (config.toml) with the following values:

Value Type Description
api_key String The API key is built-in by default, but you can override it. To learn more about how to obtain the API key, refer to the official documentation.
username String The OpenSubtitles account name.
password String The OpenSubtitles account username.

osub config

Root command for configuration management.

$ osub config <subcommand>

osub config get

Print the value of the given configuration key.

$ osub config get <key>

osub config list

Print a list of configuration keys and values.

$ osub config list

osub config locations

Print a locations used by osub.

$ osub config locations

osub config get

Update the configuration with a value for the given key.

$ osub config set <key> <value>

Manage authentication

In order to be able to download subtitles, you must log in. Once you are authorized, a token will be generated and saved for future use. Simply refresh the token when necessary.

osub auth

Root command for authentication management.

$ osub auth <subcommand>

osub auth list

Print a list of authentication keys and values.

$ osub auth list

osub auth login

Login by generating an authentication token.

$ osub auth login <username> <password>

osub auth logout

Logout by destroying the authentication token.

$ osub auth logout

osub auth refresh

Refresh the authentication token.

$ osub auth refresh

osub auth status

Print authentication status.

$ osub auth status

Search management

With osub, you can search for both subtitles and features. A feature refers to a movie, TV show, or episode of a TV show.

osub search

Root command for search management.

$ osub search <subcommand>

osub search features

Search for features.

$ osub search features <options>

Query options:

  • --feature-id <int>
    Search by feature ID.
  • --imdb-id <string>
    Search by feature IMDB ID.
  • --query <string>
    Search by file name or string query.
  • --tmdb-id <string>
    Search by feature TMDB ID.
  • --type <enum>
    Search on feature type: episode, movie or tvshow.
  • --year <int>
    Search by year.

osub search subtitles

Search for subtitles.

$ osub search subtitles <options>

Query options:

  • --ai-translated <enum>
    Restrict search to AI-translated subtitles: exclude or include.
  • --episode-number <int>
    Search by TV Show episode number.
  • --foreign-parts-only <enum>
    Restrict search to Foreign Parts Only (FPO) subtitles: exclude, include or only.
  • --hearing-impaired <enum>
    Restrict search to subtitles for the hearing impaired: exclude, include or only.
  • --id <int>
    Search by feature ID from the features search results.
  • --imdb-id <int>
    Search by feature IMDB ID.
  • --languages <[string]>
    Search on space-separated list of subtag languages.
  • --machine-translated <enum>
    Restrict search to machine-translated subtitles: exclude or include.
  • --moviehash-match <enum>
    Restrict search to subtitles with feature hash match: include and only.
  • --moviehash <string>
    Search by feature hash.
  • --order-by <enum>
    Order of returned results by field: ai_translated, download_count, foreign_parts_only, fps, from_trusted, hd, hearing_impaired, language, machine_translated, points, ratings, release, upload_date, votes.
  • --order-direction <enum>
    Order of returned results by direction: asc or desc.
  • --page <int>
    Search on the page.
  • --parent-feature-id <int>
    Search for the TV Show by parent feature ID from the features search results.
  • --parent-imdb-id <int>
    Search for the TV Show by parent IMDB ID.
  • --parent-tmdb-id <int>
    Search for the TV Show by parent TMDB ID.
  • --query <string>
    Search by file name or string query.
  • --season-number <int>
    Search for the TV Show by season number.
  • --tmdb-id <int>
    Search by feature TMDB ID.
  • --trusted-sources <enum>
    Restrict search to trusted sources: include or only.
  • --type <enum>
    Restrict search to feature type: episode, movie or tvshow.
  • --user-id <int>
    Search for uploaded subtitles by user ID.
  • --year <int>
    Search by year.

Utility options:

  • --file <path>
    The path to the file that needs subtitles.

Download subtitles

osub download

Root command for download subtitles.

$ osub download --file-id <int> <options>

Query options:

  • --file-id <int>
    File ID from subtitles search results.
  • --file-name <string>
    Desired subtitle file name to save on disk.
  • --in-fps <int>
    Input FPS for subtitles.
  • --out-fps <int>
    Output FPS for subtitles.
  • --sub-format <string>
    Subtitles format from formats results.
  • --timeshift <int>
    Timeshift for subtitles.

Utility commands

Besides the primary commands, osub also includes some useful utility commands.

osub formats

Print a list of formats for subtitles.

$ osub formats

osub hash

Calculate the hash of the file.

$ osub hash <path>

osub languages

Print a list of languages for subtitles.

$ osub languages

osub version

Print the current osub version.

$ osub version

Formatting options

Some commands offer simple formatting options:

  • --fields <[enum]>
    Space-separated list of fields to print.
  • --frame/--no-frame
    Consider the window size when formatting.

To view a list of available fields, run an invalid command with the --fields option, for example:

$ osub <subcommand> --fields ?


To contribute, you need the following tools with minimum versions:

Once you have everything installed, in the root directory, execute the following commands:

$ make install
$ make dev


I would like to express my gratitude to the OpenSubtitles team for providing such an great service. I also extend my appreciation to the authors of the wrappers, applications, and scripts that utilized the OpenSubtitles REST API. It was interesting to study your work. Furthermore, I would like to thank the authors of the GitHub CLI, whose product was a significant source of inspiration for me.


osub is distributed under the MIT License.