A hack machine language assembler made for the nand2tetris course with python and Go.
usage: hassembler [-h] file [outfile]
positional arguments:
file path of the input .asm file
outfile path of the output .bin file
-h, --help show this help message and exit
The hack platform from nand2tetris has two basic A instructions and C instructions that need to be parsed into binary.
The parsing of these instructions is done with different symbol tables consisting of a symbol and a binary value. Each line is read from the file and split into its various fields, then each field is parsed using the symbols table and finally written to the output file.
They always start with a '@' and change the value of the Address register, they can point to:
- A predefined symbol like a register
@R15, @R2, @THIS, @KBD, @SCREEN, ...
- A label
@main_loop, ...
- A memory address
@1254, @56, ...
They can be of two types and perform computation on the ALU like adding, subtracting, anding, comparisons, flipping bits and so on:
- "dest=comp"
D=M, D=D-A, ...
- "comp;jump"
0;JMP, D;JGT, ...