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Master Detailed Design

zhanchao edited this page Aug 20, 2020 · 1 revision

architecture design of master


Vearch is a distributed system for vector storage and similarity retrieval. It consists of three modules, master, router, and partitionServer. The Mainly responsible of the master is the storage and management of metadata, as well as the coordination and management of resources.

2、architecture of vearch master

2.1、architecture diagram

2.2、structure of metadata

2.2.1、auto-increment Id table

key value remarks
/id/node 1 the current maximum id value, the next nodeId add 1
/id/space 1
/id/db 1
/id/partition 1

2.2.2、metadata information

key value remarks
/server/ /server/$noidId →Server struct server structure type
/space/ /space/$spaceId →Space struct
/partition/ /partition/$spaceId →Partition struct
/db/ /db/$dbId →DB struct

2.2.3、structural entity corresponding to metadata

//server/id:\[body\] ttl 3m 3s
type Server struct {

ID NodeID \`json:\"name,omitempty\"\` //unique name for raft

RpcPort uint16 \`json:\"rpc\_port\"\`

RaftHeartbeatPort uint16 \`json:\"raft\_heartbeat\_port\"\`

RaftReplicatePort uint16 \`json:\"raft\_replicate\_port\"\`

Ip string \`json:\"ip,omitempty\"\`

PartitionIds \[\]PartitionID \`json:\"p\_ids,omitempty\"\`

Size uint64 \`json:\"size,omitempty\"\`

Private bool \`json:\"private\"\`

Version \*BuildVersion \`json:\"version\"\`


type Space struct {

Id SpaceID \`json:\"id,omitempty\"\`

Name string \`json:\"name,omitempty\"\` //user setting

Version Version \`json:\"version,omitempty\"\`

DBId DBID \`json:\"db\_id,omitempty\"\`

Enabled \*bool \`json:\"enabled\"\` //Enabled flag whether the space can

Partitions \[\]\*Partition \`json:\"partitions\"\` // partitionids not

PartitionNum int \`json:\"partition\_num\"\`

ReplicaNum uint8 \`json:\"replica\_num\"\`

Properties json.RawMessage \`json:\"properties\"\`

Engine \*Engine \`json:\"engine\"\`

Models json.RawMessage \`json:\"models,omitempty\"\` //json model config
for python plugin


type Partition struct {

Id PartitionID \`json:\"id,omitempty\"\`

SpaceId SpaceID \`json:\"space\_id,omitempty\"\`

DBId DBID \`json:\"db\_id,omitempty\"\`

//Slot stores the lower limit of the slot range

Slot SlotID \`json:\"partition\_slot\"\`

LeaderID NodeID \`json:\"leader\_name,omitempty\"\`

Replicas \[\]NodeID \`json:\"replicas,omitempty\"\` //leader in replicas

UpdateTime int64 \`json:\"update\_time,omitempty\"\`

Path string \`json:\"-\"\`

status PartitionStatus

lock sync.RWMutex




type DB struct {

Id DBID \`json:\"id,omitempty\"\`

Name string \`json:\"name,omitempty\"\`

Ps \[\]string \`json:\"ps,omitempty\"\` //if set this , your db only use
you config ps


2.3、restful interface

interface address description remarks
/ vearch versioninfo
/list/server partition server info
/list/db list all dbname
/list/space list all spacename of the current dbname
/list/partition list all spartition
/register register the partitionServer into master
/register_partition register the partition of the partitionServer into master
/db/_create create db
delete /db/$dbId delete db
get /db/$dbId search db
put /space/_create create space
delete /space/$spaceId drop space
get /space/$spaceId get space
post /space/$spaceId update space
/partition/change_member add or delete the partition on the specified partitionServer
/_cluster/health cluster health status
/_cluster/stats partitionserver status

3、technical introduction

The mainly responsible of the master is the management of metadata and the coordination of system resources.Master relies on etcd to manage metadata and rovides restful The interface manages database and table metadata.The master startup process is as follows:

summary: 1.Initialize the master configuration. 2. All masters start etcd service. 3. Initialize etcd Client. 4. Start http service and open restful interface. 5. Start a scheduled task to clean up invalid partitions and spaces in etcd metadata.

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