All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- solve deprecation warnings
always returnstrue
on Hashlink because of HaxeFoundation/haxe#10970
- minimum required Haxe version is now 4.2
- NPE in FileWatcher in case of very fast file operations (create/delete)
- PollingFileWatcher does not create deletion event for entries of deleted directories
- enabled null safety
now throws an exception
- support eval target
- minimum required Haxe version is now 4.x
- removed support for old PHP5 target
- Issue#3
Enum<cs.system.Environment_SpecialFolder> has no field UserProfile
on .NET 3.5 or lower
- Dir.getUserHome()
- automatically set compiler define 'filesystem_support' if the target can access the local filesystem
- Dir.copyTo() with MERGE not working with PhantomJS
- Dir.getCWD() not working with PhantomJS
- PR#1 File#openInput() and File#openOutput() not visible
- removed left-over trace statement
- hx.files.Path#isRoot
- hx.files.Dir#copyTo
- hx.files.watcher.JavaFileWatcher
- using Enum options for hx.files.Dir#moveTo/#renameTo, hx.files.File#copyTo/#moveTo/#renameTo
- [lua] Dir.createDirectory() does not work recursively because of HaxeFoundation/haxe#6946
- Initial release