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(js13k) Your inventory space is your HP. Manage your life priorities vs earnings in this dark adventure game

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Your inventory space is your HP.
Manage your life priorities vs earnings in this dark adventure game

How to play

  • WASD, ZQSD, or Arrow keys to move.
  • Press J or K to attack
  • S (while on ground) to block with shield

Implementation plans

  • basic platformer
  • moving camera
  • switch between hub world and dungeon
  • procedural enemies by level
  • procedural traps by level
  • procedural loots on fixed map layout
  • toggle off abilities by taking damage
  • level generation and progression
  • score system
  • friends and family and doctor
  • player can do
    • poking sword
      • sword hurting enemies (and cause knockbacks)
    • shooting magic
    • block with shield
    • block with armor
    • climbing walls
    • getting items
    • see color
    • use torch to see further
    • cure venom with potion
    • dash
    • hear enemies
    • speak
    • love one another
    • heal from friends and family
  • inventory queue linked to hp
    • become invincible when taking damage
    • knockbacks
  • enemies behaviors
    • w = walk
    • m = melee (leap 1 block, body cannot touch)
    • l = leap higher when attack
    • f = fly
    • s = shooty
  • reorganize items in queue
  • items to get (treasure box, sword and wands)
  • discarding health card unlocks more health cards
  • discard multiple health cards to unlock a card
    • animations for unlocking cards
    • cutscene for discarding life cards
  • additional enemy behaviors
    • a = armor? (allow hp+3)
    • e = element! (diff+3, take 0 or take 2 instead of take 1 damage)
    • v = venom (every 3 second, have a low chance to take damage)
    • y = heavy (cannot be knocked back)
    • p = patrol
    • h = hang
    • z = laser
    • x = explosion
  • MVP done
  • after playtest,
    • optional curse of binding and optional losing self or mind
      • curses occur if player hasn't been injured for certain time
    • procedural dungeon?
    • oneway platform
    • mobile ui?
    • line-of-sight enemies
    • load pixel sprites

Credits / Starter projects

Mini 2D Platformer bootstrap/demo (

js13k Webpack Starter

(Notes: Size is 889 bytes (6.68%) without game code)

js13k Webpack Starter

What is it?

This project aims to be a foundation for creating a game for the js13k game competition. As such it provides tools such as a > development server, automatic code minification and archive creation.

List of features

  1. JS & CSS minification
  2. Code inlining (the entire application is a single index.html file)
  3. Development server with source maps
  4. Generation of submission files (including the .zip file)
  5. ES2015 module support through webpack
  6. Tree shaking and module concatenation

How can I get started?

The first thing you need to do is make sure you have node.js installed. Then clone the project and in the root > directory run the following command:

npm install

This should install all the required dependencies for developing the project. After the installation finishes you will be able to run the included npm > scripts.

How can I start the development server?

After going through the installation just run the following command:

npm start

This will setup a server listening at http://localhost:8080/.

Access from another device

You can pass an argument to the development server specifying the interface to listen on.

npm start -- --host=

This command will start the development server listening on all interfaces. Having a device on the same network you will be able to view the webpage at > http://[yourLocalIP]:8080 for example

How can i generate files for submission?

This project provides a npm script for building your application. Just run:

npm run build

This will generate two files index.html and both located in the dist/ folder. The zip file contains only the generated index.html. The > output from the command also tells you how large is the generated zip file.


  1. Webpack


(js13k) Your inventory space is your HP. Manage your life priorities vs earnings in this dark adventure game




