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241 lines (168 loc) · 9.48 KB

Config deployment

The example configuration file path is etc/EXAMPLE.json

  "network": {
    "url": "",
  "etherscan": {
    "apiKey": "YOUR_ETHERSCAN_KEY"
    "BLOCK_PERIOD": "1 seconds",
    "CHAIN_ID": 1,
    "MIN_CHAIN_ID": 1,
    "MAX_CHAIN_ID": 4,
    "ALL_CHAINS": 15

macro is an object and define some macro variables consumed by @nomiclabs/hardhat-solpp (a solidity preprocessor) to generate solidity code.

  • CHAIN_ID is the id defined in zkLink network(not the blockchain id). You need to set the CHAIN_ID according to the actual deployment situation.

  • ENABLE_COMMIT_COMPRESSED_BLOCK is switch to enable block committed with compressed mode.

  • BLOCK_PERIOD is average the block generation time, for example, in ethereum mainnet it's value is 12 seconds.

  • UPGRADE_NOTICE_PERIOD is the contract upgrade lock time, when deploy in local development you could set this value to zero, and then we can upgrade contract immediately.

  • PRIORITY_EXPIRATION is how long we wait for priority operation to handle by zklink.

macro also has three variables about constraints on CHAIN_ID:

  • MIN_CHAIN_ID, the min chain id of zkLink network , and SHOULD be 1.
  • MAX_CHAIN_ID, the max chain id of zkLink network.
  • ALL_CHAINS, the supported chain ids flag.

You should set MAX_CHAIN_ID and ALL_CHAINS according to the actual deployment situation. For example, the initial deployment we support two chains: 1 and 2, so MAX_CHAIN_ID should be 2 and ALL_CHAINS should be 3(1 << 0 | 1 << 2). The second deployment we support another chain: 3, and MAX_CHAIN_ID should be updated to 3 and ALL_CHAINS should be updated to 7(1 << 0 | 1 << 1 | 1 << 2).

Network url is the blockchain rpc url that hardhat connected to. YOUR_DEPLOYER_KEY is the private key of deployer when deploying contracts. YOUR_GOVERNOR_KEY is the private key of governor who has the management authority of the contract. You only need to set YOUR_DEPLOYER_KEY when deploying to mainnet, and governor should be different with the deployer. You may need to set YOUR_GOVERNOR_KEY different with YOUR_DEPLOYER_KEY when deploying to testnet to do some authority tests. You don't need to set bot of them when deploying to devnet, because of all keys are come from the default accounts generated by hardhat.

apiKey is the key used by @nomiclabs/hardhat-etherscan to verify contract code deployed to etherscan explorer.

The NET env variable determines the chain configuration used for deploy commands. Before deploy you should create a config file with the example config file:

cd etc

And export NET=POLYGONTEST before npx hardhat deployZkLink or

NET=POLYGONTEST npx hardhat [global options] deployZkLink [command options]

Deploy command

Deploy ZkLink

$ npx hardhat help deployZkLink

Hardhat version 2.13.1

Usage: hardhat [GLOBAL OPTIONS] deployZkLink [--block-number <INT>] [--commitment <STRING>] [--fee-account <STRING>] [--force <BOOLEAN>] --genesis-root <STRING> [--governor <STRING>] [--skip-verify <BOOLEAN>] [--sync-hash <STRING>] [--timestamp <INT>] [--validator <STRING>]


  --block-number        The block number (default: 0)
  --commitment          The block commitment (default: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000")
  --fee-account         The feeAccount address (default is same as deployer) 
  --force               Fore redeploy all contracts (default: false)
  --genesis-root        The block root hash 
  --governor            The governor address (default is same as deployer) 
  --skip-verify         Skip verify (default: false)
  --sync-hash           The block syncHash (default: "0xc5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470")
  --timestamp           The block timestamp (default: 0)
  --validator           The validator address (default is same as deployer) 

deployZkLink: Deploy zklink contracts

--block-number,--commitment ,--genesis-root,--sync-hash,--timestamp are used to produce genesie block. When deploying for the first time --block-number,--commitment ,--sync-hash and --timestamp can be left unset. When deploying for appending a new chain all these options need to be set with the latest exectuted block properties.

You could left--governor and --validator be unset when deploy to devnet or testnet, but DOT NOT use deployer address as network governor and validator on the mainnet.

After the deployment is complete, a log file with a name of deploy_${NET}.log will be generated in the log directory of the project root path.

  "deployer": "0xf39Fd6e51aad88F6F4ce6aB8827279cffFb92266",
  "governor": "0xf39Fd6e51aad88F6F4ce6aB8827279cffFb92266",
  "verifierTarget": "0x29bE639a527a50c1F2E4E338f80B75f5e8b31963",
  "verifierTargetVerified": true,
  "peripheryTarget": "0xD974bF8CEFAc444DDB5A8F20745C21745C34A9f9",
  "peripheryTargetVerified": true,
  "zkLinkTarget": "0x3EA14a463a036ecccD3F0A737CAc730780D0d8f9",
  "zkLinkTargetVerified": true,
  "deployFactory": "0x96773dAA23E81f6D75c4F464D0da384183E35fD1",
  "deployFactoryBlockHash": "0x99561476eaaedb8b70c3c45493989f453f406c5b4f63ac069c4a2993edd0c726",
  "deployTxHash": "0x8e01bbf93999be4326a6bda08aad0b9fcd1a992e4b869d1b11dd938ef4b9cc69",
  "zkLinkProxy": "0x73647ca572973DDB912B3D21Ff42d59ef7dF119B",
  "verifierProxy": "0x3B6bAf1cd92ad8269A9c3bD844598e3ac8e87bEA",
  "gatekeeper": "0x9352E8c8103ef2C6550B509Fd20394F4307DA0e1"

The zkLinkProxy is the address we used to interact with zkLink contract, such as: depositETH, addToken ,addBridge.

If there is a network error occurs during the execution of the command, you can execute it again and the command will start from place where it failed last time.

For example:

NET=ETH npx hardhat deployZkLink --governor GOVERNOR_ADDRESS --validator VALIDATOR_ADDRESS --feeAccount FEE_ACCOUNT_ADDRESS --genesis-root GENESIS_ROOT_HASH

Deploy LayerZeroBridge

$ npx hardhat help deployLZBridge
Hardhat version 2.13.1

Usage: hardhat [GLOBAL OPTIONS] deployLZBridge [--force <BOOLEAN>] [--governor <STRING>] [--skip-verify <BOOLEAN>] [--zklink <STRING>]


  --force       Fore redeploy all contracts (default: false)
  --governor    The governor address (default get from zkLink deploy log) 
  --skip-verify Skip verify (default: false)
  --zklink      The zklink address (default get from zkLink deploy log) 

deployLZBridge: Deploy LayerZeroBridge

LayerZeroBridge is used to bridge cross chain verify message between different chains.This command is only available in mainnet and testnet, we couldn't use this bridge in devnet, but we can use a EOA address as a dummy bridge.

After the deployment is complete, a log file with a name of deploy_lz_bridge_${NET}.log will be generated in the log directory of the project root path.

  "deployer": "0x7032F91C4734c3091289E153f23bf430b8bEBd8C",
  "governor": "0x7032F91C4734c3091289E153f23bf430b8bEBd8C",
  "lzBridge": "0xd3e0024e84BB9631C314AF0a20A96ae3Bc64abe9"

The lzBridge is the address that used to addBridge .

For example:

NET=ETH npx hardhat deployLZBridge


After completing the deployment of zkLink and lzBridge on all chains(eg. AVAXTEST and POLYGONTEST), the logs of the deploy log directory are as flows:


No deploy_lz_bridge log exist in devnet.

We need to connect zkLink with lzBridge for cross chain block verify. Each chain will need to execute addBridge, setDestinations , which means if we deploy on AVAXTEST and POLYGONTEST, the commands that need to be executed are:

NET=AVAXTEST npx hardhat addBridge [command options]
NET=AVAXTEST npx hardhat setDestinations [command options]

NET=POLYGONTEST npx hardhat addBridge [command options]
NET=POLYGONTEST npx hardhat setDestinations [command options]

Only addBridge need to execute in devnet.

Warning all these commands require governorKey to be set in configuration and SHOULD NOT be used in mainnet. In mainnet all management operations involving the governor will need to follow the rules of DAO.

Add bridge

$ npx hardhat help addBridge
Hardhat version 2.13.1

Usage: hardhat [GLOBAL OPTIONS] addBridge [--bridge <STRING>]


  --bridge      The bridge address (default get from deploy log) 

addBridge: Add bridge to zkLink

In devnet we could set the bridge to a EOA address as a dummy bridge, and then we could execute command syncProgress to simulator receiving a cross chain verify message on zkLink contract side.

For example:

NET=AVAXTEST npx hardhat addBridge


NET=LOCAL1 npx hardhat addBridge --bridge EOA_ADDRESS

Set bridge destinations

$ npx hardhat help setDestinations
Hardhat version 2.13.1

Usage: hardhat [GLOBAL OPTIONS] setDestinations --dest <STRING>


  --dest        The destination net env name 

setDestinations: Set layerzero bridge destinations (only support testnet)

This command will search the deloy_lz_bridge_${dest} log in the log directory, and set lzBridge gate of dest chain.

For example:

NET=AVAXTEST npx hardhat setDestinations --dest POLYGONTEST