Bindings for Genshi templating support under Pyramid.
To use pyramid_genshi, simply include pyramid_genshi in your Pyramid main function:
And you can use it as you use other template:
@view_config(route_name='home', renderer='my_project:templates/home.genshi') def home(request): return 'Hello world'
To adjust output format, you can change genshi.default_format
genshi.default_format = xhtml
To adjust output encoding, you can change genshi.default_encoding
genshi.default_encoding = cp950
To adjust output doctype, you can change genshi.default_doctype
genshi.default_doctype = html5
To adjust the default i18n domain, you can change genshi.default_domain
genshi.default_domain = my_domain
To adjust template auto reloading, you can change genshi.auto_reload
genshi.auto_reload = False
For available options, you can reference to