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Anonymised repository for reviews It contains the data collected for the study of GDPR consent.

Description of data

Raw Data

Screenshots and raw data of each indivial website visited. Each website data is sepearted in each folder (field 2 of coded data) Each folder consits of the follwing information

  • Screenshots(s) - folder containing screenshots of all cookie consent related interfaces
  • Cookies - a document containg all cookies information if it is made available on the website
  • Text of the consent requirement - The entire page which lists the cookie policy of the website

Coded Data

Tabular data with the following fields in this order

  1. Link - the site link used in the data collection
  2. Key to Folder - the folder which stores the raw data collected (read Raw Data sections for organization of this folder)
  3. Type - news website or magazine website
  4. Country - If it is global website it is the country where the news site headquarter is
  5. "not yes option - Is there an option or a way for the visitor to deny the cookie consent
  6. Name of "not yes"option - The text on the link that allows the users to customize/deny the cookie consent
  7. "not yes"option same UI element level as "yes" - if not then there is a information (button, link, link next to button, check boxes, drop down menu)
  8. Location of pop-up box - where is the pop up box located on a deskop view
  9. Content scrollable while privacy widget is active - whether the content is still accessible while pop up is active. (scrollable, grayed out)
  10. Number of words on the "options page" = the number of worlds on the page when there is no "deny all" option but requires to visit another page to customize/deny consent
  11. Number of clicks until "not-yes" option - Number of clicks reuiqred to opt out all possible cookies and return to access the page
  12. Immediate visibilty of "not yes" option - Whether not yes option is instantly visible without scrolling down or requires scrolling down to click "not yes" option
  13. Clarity of options - How easy it is to understand how to manage cookie consent and adjust it
  14. What are cookeis used and their functions. If yes then is it informative - Does the cookie widget list what types of cookies are used and what are their functions. If listed then if it is easier to understand
  15. Is third-party consent handling is used - If the website uses a third-party consent handling service. If yes which third-party consent is used. (Additional information about third-party handler is present in the raw data folder)
  16. Is the website still accessible after total opt-out - If the website is still usable after the users opt out from all possible cookies or in some cases whether some functionalities are removed such as pictures or videos
  17. Is dark pattern used - which type of dark patterns are present in the document
  18. "Are you sure" message at the end of the opt-out process - Some websites asks for reconfirmation after all cookie consents has been opted out. This field contains the messages showed in this reconfirmation and screenshots of these are available in the raw data folder


author = {Soe, Than Htut and Nordberg, Oda Elise and Guribye, Frode and Slavkovik, Marija},
title = {Circumvention by Design - Dark Patterns in Cookie Consent for Online News Outlets},
year = {2020},
isbn = {9781450375795},
publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery},
address = {New York, NY, USA},
url = {},
doi = {10.1145/3419249.3420132},
abstract = { To ensure that users of online services understand what data are collected and how they are used in algorithmic decision-making, the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) specifies informed consent as a minimal requirement. For online news outlets consent is commonly elicited through interface design elements in the form of a pop-up. We have manually analyzed 300 data collection consent notices from news outlets that are built to ensure compliance with GDPR. The analysis uncovered a variety of strategies or dark patterns that circumvent the intent of GDPR by design. We further study the presence and variety of these dark patterns in these “cookie consents” and use our observations to specify the concept of dark pattern in the context of consent elicitation.},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 11th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction: Shaping Experiences, Shaping Society},
articleno = {19},
numpages = {12},
keywords = {dark patterns, cookie consent notice, CCPA, GDPR},
location = {Tallinn, Estonia},
series = {NordiCHI '20}


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